ruby-on-rails - 在 Rails 中排序 : SQLite vs PostgreSQL

标签 ruby-on-rails postgresql sqlite

当我在 Rails 5 中使用 sqlite 作为开发数据库按列(id 类型 INT)排序时,它按预期排序(1、2、3、4 ...),但在我的生产环境(PostgreSQL ) 导致意外行为(1, 101, 102,...2, 201,...)等等。

如果我按照 PostgreSQL (MyModel.order('id::integer DESC')) 格式化订单,那么它在 PostgreSQL 中工作正常,但在我的开发 sqlite 环境中不再工作。



Your data types are messed up. What does .schema your_table say in the sqlite3 shell? How about \d your_table from psql? Keep in mind that SQLite has a very loose value-based type system rather than a column-based one (i.e. you can put a string in a column declared as an integer and SQLite won't say a thing). – mu is too short

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