postgresql - postgres 10 对 varchars 使用什么哈希算法?

标签 postgresql

如果我在 varchar 上应用散列索引,postgres 10 将使用什么算法来散列该值?会是MD5吗?杂音3? FNV-1?我无法在任何地方找到这个记录。



FROM pg_amproc p
   JOIN pg_opfamily f ON p.amprocfamily = f.oid
   JOIN pg_am a ON f.opfmethod = a.oid
WHERE a.amname = 'hash'
  AND p.amproclefttype = 'text'::regtype;



 * This hash function was written by Bob Jenkins
 * (, and superficially adapted
 * for PostgreSQL by Neil Conway. For more information on this
 * hash function, see,
 * or Bob's article in Dr. Dobb's Journal, Sept. 1997.
 * In the current code, we have adopted Bob's 2006 update of his hash
 * function to fetch the data a word at a time when it is suitably aligned.
 * This makes for a useful speedup, at the cost of having to maintain
 * four code paths (aligned vs unaligned, and little-endian vs big-endian).
 * It also uses two separate mixing functions mix() and final(), instead
 * of a slower multi-purpose function.

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