postgresql - 什么是准备好的陈述?

标签 postgresql

我在 postgres pg_log 目录的 .log 文件中看到一堆行,内容如下:

ERROR: prepared statement "pdo_pgsql_stmt_09e097f4" does not exist



来自 the documentation :

A prepared statement is a server-side object that can be used to optimize performance. When the PREPARE statement is executed, the specifie statement is parsed, rewritten, and planned. When an EXECUTE command is subsequently issued, the prepared statement need only be executed. Thus, the parsing, rewriting, and planning stages are only performed once, instead of every time the statement is executed.

通过网络搜索,我发现“pdo_pgsql_stmt”命令来自某种 PHP 连接到您的数据库。也许this link可以帮助您找到合适的邮件列表或问题跟踪器,您可以将错误消息发送到该邮件列表或问题跟踪器吗?


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