json - 如何修改 PostgreSQL JSONB 数据类型中的单个属性值?

标签 json postgresql jsonb

如何修改 PostgreSQL JSONB 数据类型中的单个字段?

假设我有一个这样的名为 animal 的表:

id       info
49493   {"habit1":"fly","habit2":"dive","location":"SONOMA NARITE"}


    id       info
49493   {"habit1":"fly","habit2":"dive","location":"sonoma narite"}


update animal set info=jsonb_set(info, '{location}', LOWER(info->>'location'), true) where id='49493';
ERROR:  function jsonb_set(jsonb, unknown, text, boolean) does not exist
LINE 7: update animal set info=jsonb_set(info, '{con...
HINT:  No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.
********** Error **********

ERROR: function jsonb_set(jsonb, unknown, text, boolean) does not exist


update animal set info=jsonb_set(info, '{location}', '"sonoma narite"', true) where id='49493';


令我感到惊讶的是,jsonb set 函数没有提供这种仅尝试更新 jsonb 中文本属性大小写的简单操作。



jsonb_set()的第三个参数应该是jsonb类型。问题是在将文本字符串转换为 jsonb 字符串时,您需要用双引号引起来的字符串。您可以使用 concat()format():

update animal
set info = 
    jsonb_set(info, '{location}', concat('"', lower(info->>'location'), '"')::jsonb, true) 
--  jsonb_set(info, '{location}', format('"%s"', lower(info->>'location'))::jsonb, true) 
where id='49493'
returning *;

  id   |                               info                               
 49493 | {"habit1": "fly", "habit2": "dive", "location": "sonoma narite"}
(1 row)

Postgres 9.4 中,您应该使用 jsonb_each_text() 取消嵌套 json 列,聚合键和值动态修改正确的值,最后构建一个 json 对象:

update animal a
set info = u.info
from (
    select id, json_object(
            case key when 'location' then lower(value)
            else value end))::jsonb as info
    from animal,
    lateral jsonb_each_text(info) 
    group by 1
    ) u
where u.id = a.id
and a.id = 49493;


create or replace function update_info(info jsonb)
returns jsonb language sql as $$
    select json_object(
            case key when 'location' then lower(value)
            else value end))::jsonb
    from jsonb_each_text(info)

update animal
set info = update_info(info)
where id = 49493;

关于json - 如何修改 PostgreSQL JSONB 数据类型中的单个属性值?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41902278/


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