postgresql - 将数据从 AWS S3 复制到 Aurora Postgres

标签 postgresql amazon-s3 amazon-aurora

我正在尝试将数据从 AWS S3 复制到 Aurora Postgres。目前我的流程如下:

  1. 从 S3 本地下载文件(在 EC2 实例上)
  2. 运行“COPY FROM STDIN ...”命令将数据从输入流加载到 Aurora postgres。

我想知道是否有直接从 S3 复制到 Aurora postgres 的命令。


这篇来自 AWS 的博客文章提到能够使用 AWS Database Migration service 来完成它

AWS DMS can read data from source S3 buckets and load them into a target database. To do this, provide access to an S3 bucket containing one or more data files. In that S3 bucket, include a JSON file that describes the mapping between the data and the database tables of the data in those files.

The source data files must be in comma-separated value (CSV) format. Name the files using the naming convention shown following. In this convention, schemaName is the source schema and tableName is the name of a table within that schema.

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