postgresql - Postgres 的 GitLab Omnibus 配置

标签 postgresql gitlab

我正在尝试在已安装 Postgres 9.1 的 Debian 7 (Wheezy) 开发机器上安装 gitlab_6.8.1-omnibus.4-1_amd64.deb

当我运行 sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure 时,我发现了一个错误:

Error executing action `run` on resource 'execute[migrate database]'

Expected process to exit with [0], but received '1'
---- Begin output of /opt/gitlab/bin/gitlab-rake db:migrate ----
STDERR: WARNING: Nokogiri was built against LibXML version 2.8.0, but has dynamically loaded 2.7.8
rake aborted!
FATAL:  password authentication failed for user "gitlab"
FATAL:  password authentication failed for user "gitlab"

我在 Postgres 中创建了用户 gitgitlab(密码为 gitgitlab)但是它没有'帮助。

/var/log/postgresql/postgresql-9.1-main.log 充满了身份验证错误:

2014-05-10 14:51:30 MSK FATAL:  password authentication failed for user "gitlab"

如何配置 PostgreSQL 选项以安装 GitLab Omnibus?


我用现有的 PostgreSQL 实例解决了这个问题。

  1. 添加到/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb:

    # Disable the built-in Postgres
    postgresql['enable'] = false
    gitlab_rails['db_adapter'] = 'postgresql'
    gitlab_rails['db_encoding'] = 'unicode'
    # Create database manually and place its name here.
    gitlab_rails['db_database'] = 'gitlabhq_production'
    gitlab_rails['db_host'] = ''
    gitlab_rails['db_port'] = '5432'
    gitlab_rails['db_username'] = 'git' # Database owner.
    gitlab_rails['db_password'] = 'git' # Database owner's password.
  2. 运行 sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure

  3. 导入默认数据:

    sudo gitlab-rake gitlab:setup

另一种变体是为内置 PostgreSQL 设置自定义端口:

    postgresql['enable'] = true
    postgresql['port'] = 5433

这将在指定端口上运行单独的 PostgreSQL 实例。

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