function - postgresql中的第n个百分位数计算

标签 function postgresql percentile

令人惊讶的是,我找不到 postgresql 的第 n 个百分位数函数。

我通过 mondrian olap 工具使用它,所以我只需要一个返回第 95 个百分位数的聚合函数。




PostgreSQL 9.4 现在原生支持百分位数,在Ordered-Set Aggregate Functions 中实现:

percentile_cont(fraction) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY sort_expression) 

continuous percentile: returns a value corresponding to the specified fraction in the ordering, interpolating between adjacent input items if needed

percentile_cont(fractions) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY sort_expression)

multiple continuous percentile: returns an array of results matching the shape of the fractions parameter, with each non-null element replaced by the value corresponding to that percentile



CREATE TABLE aa AS SELECT generate_series(1,20) AS a;

WITH subset AS (
    SELECT a AS val,
        ntile(4) OVER (ORDER BY a) AS tile
    FROM aa
SELECT tile, max(val)
FROM subset GROUP BY tile ORDER BY tile;

 tile | max
    1 |   5
    2 |  10
    3 |  15
    4 |  20
(4 rows)

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