javascript - polymer 从纸张输入元素中获取值

标签 javascript polymer

我刚刚开始探索 polymer.js。我想从纸张输入元素中获取名称。它不起作用,警报为空。

<dom-module id="hello-world">
    <h1> Hello [[name]]</h1>
    <paper-input value="{{name}}"></paper-input>
    <button onClick="{{getData}}">Get data</button>
        is: "hello-world",
        properties: {
            name: {
                type: String,
                value: '1'
        getData: function () {


如果您需要 onClick 事件,请在 polymer 模板中使用 on-click="getData"

....To add event listeners to local DOM children, use on-event annotations in your template. This often eliminates the need to give an element an id solely for the purpose of binding an event listener.

Because the event name is specified using an HTML attribute, the event name is always converted to lowercase. This is because HTML attribute names are case insensitive. So specifying on-myEvent adds a listener for myevent. The event handler name (for example, handleClick) is case sensitive. To avoid confusion, always use lowercase event names.


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