javascript - SVG 通过 Javascript 启动和编辑 animateTransform

标签 javascript animation svg

我想通过变换矩阵(即时决定)变换 SVG Canvas 上的元素。我可以使用 JQuery-SVG animate() 来完成,但结果一点也不流畅。所以我想使用原生的 SVG animateTransform,问题是:

  • 我怎样才能让它在我想要的时候开始(也许是 beginElement()),以及
  • 如何即时设置矩阵的参数?



感谢您的回答! 因为我想使用原生 SVG 动画,所以我找到了这个解决方案(仍然不能完美运行)。这是一种不存在的 animateTransform(attributeName="transform"type="matrix")

注意:我在 group.transform 中保留每个元素的 svg 转换,group.transform.matrix() 只返回该元素的转换矩阵。


<animateTransform id="canvTranslate" begin="indefinite" attributeName="transform" type="translate" to="" dur="1s" additive="sum" fill="freeze"/>
<animateTransform id="canvRotate" begin="indefinite" attributeName="transform" type="rotate" to="" dur="1s" additive="sum" fill="freeze"/>
<animateTransform id="canvScale" begin="indefinite" attributeName="transform" type="scale" to="" dur="1s" additive="sum" fill="freeze"/>


 var tMatrix = transformation.matrix(); //this is the transformation i want to obtain
    var cMatrix = group.transform.matrix(); //this is the actual CTM of the element

    //getting the animations
    var animTrans = document.getElementById('canvTranslate');
    var animRotaz = document.getElementById('canvRotate');
    var animScale = document.getElementById('canvScale');

    //setting duration (it's got somewhere before)
    animTrans.setAttribute('dur', duration/1000+'s');
    animRotaz.setAttribute('dur', duration/1000+'s');
    animScale.setAttribute('dur', duration/1000+'s');

    //calculating the 'from' attribute
    var transX = cMatrix.e;
    var transY = cMatrix.f;
    var scaleX = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(cMatrix.a, 2)+Math.pow(cMatrix.b, 2));
        var rotate = Math.atan(cMatrix.c/cMatrix.d);

    animTrans.setAttribute('from', transX+','+transY);
    animRotaz.setAttribute('from', -rotate*180/Math.PI);
    animScale.setAttribute('from', scaleX);
    //end 'from'

    //calculating the 'to' attribute to set
    var transX = tMatrix.e;
    var transY = tMatrix.f;
    var scaleX = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(tMatrix.a, 2)+Math.pow(tMatrix.b, 2));
    var rotate = Math.atan(tMatrix.c/tMatrix.d);

    animTrans.setAttribute('to', transX+','+transY);
    animRotaz.setAttribute('to', -rotate*180/Math.PI);
    animScale.setAttribute('to', scaleX);
    //end 'to'


group.transform = transformation; 最后,更新元素的 transform 属性:

    setTimeout(function(){ //i will change this somehow better :)

        //this is a problematic step. with it animations work on Chrome, without it they work good on firefox and opera too
        $(group).attr('transform', 'matrix('+tMatrix.a+','+tMatrix.b+','+tMatrix.c+','+tMatrix.d+','+tMatrix.e+','+tMatrix.f+')');
    }, duration+100);

最后一步是有问题的。我不明白为什么它在 Chrome 中工作正常,而动画最终在 Firefox 和 Opera 中缩放得更多(不调用 setTimeout 工作得很好)。

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