javascript - 嵌套有序切换列表,不重复

标签 javascript jquery css list toggle

我正在编写一个二分键:一个有序的、切换的列表,每个级别都有两个选项可供选择。嵌套项以后不能重复编号,而是递增编号。数字需要附加 'a' 和 'b':















基本的 HTML 有序列表:



嵌套项需要切换可见性,这可以使用 JQuery 和 display:none DIV 来完成,但是有没有办法避免 DIV?除非每个列出的元素都自动放在一个 DIV 中,否则 key 太大而无法用“1a”、“1b”来输入数字。

JQuery 切换:

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function toggleDiv(divId) {

随附的 CSS:

.display {display:none;
padding-left: 30px;

我需要 JQuery 和 CSS 计数的什么组合才能让嵌套元素从它停止的地方拾取编号,而不是重新启动它?嵌套需要无限深入,同时绝不能在列表中的任何地方重复数字。

如何调整以下 CSS 以添加字母而不是十进制数字?:

        html>/**/body ol { /* Won't be interpreted by IE6/7. */
            list-style-type: none;
            counter-reset: level1;
        ol li:before {
            content: counter(level1) ". ";
            counter-increment: level1;
        ol li ol {
            list-style-type: none;
            counter-reset: level2;
        ol li ol li:before {
            content: counter(level1) "." counter(level2) " ";
            counter-increment: level2;
        ol li span { /* For IE6/7. */
            margin: 0 5px 0 -25px;

有人问过有关嵌套列表或更改编号样式的问题,但我找不到具有此非重复编号且带有切换选项的问题。参见- Nested ordered listsSlide Toggle nested ordered list


What mix of JQuery and CSS countering do I need to get the nested items to pick up numbering where it left off, not restart it?

CSS counters没有能力做到这一点。

您可以在新的嵌套级别上将它们重置为零,该嵌套级别会确定它们的范围 - 但它们不是连续的 (Demo)。您只能将它们初始化一次,但随后它们不会为更高级别的元素 ( Demo ) 重置。有了类似的东西,您甚至可以根据需要枚举第一个和最里面的元素 - 但仍然不能用于 b 项 ( Demo )。

只有当您知道每个列表恰好有 2 个子列表并且您的深度是固定的时,才有可能进行一些巧妙的计数器数学运算 - 我想您也需要为每个级别设置一个单独的计数器。确实有可能:

/* The counter styles only - no list styles, not the ab-counter
Should be coded in SASS/LESS, it's no fun to do by hand :-)
Here are the rules, on an example with 4 levels max: */

/* each ol increases the counters for its and lower levels */
         ol { counter-increment: level0 level1 level2 level3; }
      ol ol { counter-increment:        level1 level2 level3; }
   ol ol ol { counter-increment:               level2 level3; }
ol ol ol ol { counter-increment:                      level3; }

/* the ol in the last list item of a level should also advance the above level
   by the number of ols inside its parent list */
      li:last-child > ol { counter-increment: level0 14 level1 level2 level3; }
   li li:last-child > ol { counter-increment: level1 6         level2 level3; }
li li li:last-child > ol { counter-increment: level2 2                level3; }
/*                                                   ^
            The number can be computed as 2 ^ (max - level) - 2
              in here: 14 = 2^4-2; 6 = 2^3-2; 2 = 2^2-2
   The extra rule on the first level can actually be omitted */

/* And each li should use the counter for its level */
         li:before { content: counter(level0)" "; }
      li li:before { content: counter(level1)" "; }
   li li li:before { content: counter(level2)" "; }
li li li li:before { content: counter(level3)" "; }

( Demo for 3 levels , Demo for 4 levels )

How can I adapt the counter CSS to add letters, not decimal numbers?

您可以将列表样式类型作为第二个参数传递给计数器函数 (spec):

content: counter(level1) counter(level2, lower-latin) " ";

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