ios - 删除健康应用中添加的样本

标签 ios swift sample healthkit


var store:HKHealthStore?
date = NSDate()
let type = HKQuantityType.quantityTypeForIdentifier(HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryVitaminA)
quantity = HKQuantity(unit: HKUnit.gramUnitWithMetricPrefix(.Micro), doubleValue: 100)
let sample = HKQuantitySample(type: type, quantity: quantity, startDate: date, endDate: date)
store.saveObject(sample, withCompletion: { (success, error) -> Void in
            if(error != nil) {
                println("Error saving sample: \(error.localizedDescription)")
                println("Sample saved successfully!")


store.deleteObject(sample, withCompletion: {(success, error) -> Void in
    if(error != nil) {
        println("Error deleting sample: \(error.localizedDescription)")
        println("Sample deleted successfully!")

它返回给我:删除样本时出错:找不到对象 每次我对开始日期和结束日期使用相同的“日期”。 我试过 let sample = HKQuantitySample(type: type, quantity: quantity, startDate: date, endDate: date, metadata: metadata) 其中元数据是 let metadata = [HKMetadataKeyExternalUUID:"\(Int64(date.timeIntervalSince1970))"],但也不成功...



根据 Apple 的文档,可以删除仅由相应应用程序创建的健康数据。尽管用户获得了写入权限,但无法从您的应用程序中删除某些其他应用程序的健康数据,但只能从 Apple 的健康应用程序中删除。

来自 the documentation :


Although your app can manage only the objects it created and saved, the users can delete any data they want using the Health app.

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