ios - UIView 动画在第一次尝试时没有动画

标签 ios swift uiviewanimation

我的问题是我的 UIView 动画只有在第一次之后才有效。我有两组不同的动画。第一组工作正常,第二组给我带来了问题。第一组将 4 个按钮滑到屏幕上,比我想要的位置稍微远一点。 (我将这些位置称为 extendedState)第二组动画将它们稍微滑回到我想要的位置。这会产生弹回正确位置的效果。

在两个动画之间有一个短暂的时间,一旦第一组动画完成,按钮就会闪回到它们的起始位置。通过将起始位置设置为 extendedStates(当它们停止动画时它们将位于的位置),按钮似乎不会在动画之间移动(这很好。这就是我想要的)。


  1. 我点击一个按钮启动第一组动画(效果非常好)
  2. 在 animationDidStop block 中,我启动了第二组动画(这是第一次尝试时没有设置动画的动画)


@IBAction func selectAnimal(sender: UIButton) {

    bigCircle.enabled = false

    if(tapToSelectLabel.hidden) {
        animator.repositionButtonsToExtendedState(buttons) //sets the starting position to the extendedState so it appears not to move between animations
        animator.slideButtonsIntoScreen(buttons, delegate: self) //this is the first set of animations


    if(sender.titleLabel != nil) {

        if(bigCircleLabel.text != "Choose an animal") {

            if let answer:String = bigCircleLabel.text {
                solution = game.checkAnswer(answer, question: game.threeQuestions[game.questionIndex])


现在这是 animationDidStop block 中的代码

let buttonRects:[CGRect] = [CGRectMake(834, 120, 175, 175),
                                        CGRectMake(631, 198, 175, 175),
                                        CGRectMake(470, 365, 175, 175),
                                        CGRectMake(386, 578, 175, 175)]

            UIView.animateWithDuration(0.35, delay: 0, options: [.BeginFromCurrentState, ], animations: {
                        self.buttons[3].frame = buttonRects[3]
                    }, completion: { (value:Bool) in
                        self.buttons[3].enabled = true

                        UIView.animateWithDuration(0.25, delay: 0, options: [ ], animations: {
                            self.buttons[2].frame = buttonRects[2]
                            }, completion: { (value:Bool) in
                                self.buttons[2].enabled = true

                                UIView.animateWithDuration(0.4, delay: 0, options: [ ], animations: {
                                    self.buttons[1].frame = buttonRects[1]
                                    }, completion: { (value:Bool) in
                                        self.buttons[1].enabled = true

                                        UIView.animateWithDuration(0.5, delay: 0, options: [ ], animations: {
                                            self.buttons[0].frame = buttonRects[0]
                                            }, completion: { (value:Bool) in
                                                self.buttons[0].enabled = true

^ 此代码将按钮稍微向后滑动到我希望它们所在的位置。



func slideButtonsIntoScreen(buttons:[UIButton], delegate:UIViewController) {

    let center = CGPoint(x:delegate.view.frame.width, y:delegate.view.frame.height)
    let startAngles:[CGFloat] = [0.405, 0.75, 1.1, 1.48]
    let endAngles:[CGFloat] = [1.95, 2.25, 2.622, 2.98]
    let radii:[CGFloat] = [555, 559, 558.5, 551]
    let durations:[Double] = [1.75, 1.5, 1.25 , 1]

    for index in 0...3 {
        let path = UIBezierPath(arcCenter: center, radius: radii[index], startAngle: -startAngles[index], endAngle: -endAngles[index], clockwise: false)
        let anim = CAKeyframeAnimation(keyPath: "position")
        anim.path = path.CGPath
        anim.rotationMode = kCAAlignmentNatural
        anim.repeatCount = 0
        anim.duration = durations[index] - 0.25
        anim.timingFunction = CAMediaTimingFunction(name: kCAMediaTimingFunctionEaseOut)
        anim.setValue("on", forKey: "type")
        anim.delegate = delegate
        buttons[index].layer.addAnimation(anim, forKey: "animate position along path"+String(index))
        anim.removedOnCompletion = true




func repositionButtonsToExtendedState(buttons:[UIButton]) {

    let buttonExtendedRects:[CGRect] = [CGRectMake(755, 155, 175, 175),
                                        CGRectMake(585, 245, 175, 175),
                                        CGRectMake(450, 405, 175, 175),
                                        CGRectMake(393, 590, 175, 175)]

    for index in 0...3 {
        buttons[index].frame = buttonExtendedRects[index]



我没有使用 UIView.animate 将按钮向后移动到正确的位置,而是使用另一个 UIBezierPath 将其沿同一个圆圈向后移动。

此解决方案避免了继续设置按钮框架的需要,我认为这是我所有问题的根源 - 冲突的框架设置语句。

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