javascript - 用新行删除大量空白

标签 javascript regex


Start time: 8:49:41 PM                                                     Objective: 17 pushups a minute for 1 hour                                                                      Total: 1020 pushups                                                     59 minutes have gone by                                                     0 pushups remaining                                                     0 minutes remaining                                                     Times Paused: 0                                                     Finished at: 9:49:41 PM


string.trim().replace(/[\s]/g," ").toString()


Start time: 8:49:41 PM
Objective: 17 pushups a minute for 1 hour
Total: 1020 pushups
59 minutes have gone by
0 pushups remaining
0 minutes remaining
Times Paused: 0
Finished at: 9:49:41 PM



var string = output.textContent.toString();

console.log(string.trim().replace(/[\s]/g," ").toString())
<div id="output">
                  Start time: 8:49:41 PM
                  Objective: 17 pushups a minute for 1 hour
                  Total: 1020 pushups
                  59 minutes have gone by
                  pushups remaining
                  0 minutes remaining
                  Times Paused: 0
                  Finished at: 9:49:41 PM




也许,\s{2,} 可能有效,如果不行,您可以尝试 \s{3,}\s{4, } 被替换为新行:

const regex = /\s{2,}/gm;
const str = `Start time: 8:49:41 PM                                                     Objective: 17 pushups a minute for 1 hour                                                                      Total: 1020 pushups                                                     59 minutes have gone by                                                     0 pushups remaining                                                     0 minutes remaining                                                     Times Paused: 0                                                     Finished at: 9:49:41 PM
const subst = `\n`;

// The substituted value will be contained in the result variable
const result = str.replace(regex, subst);


If you wish to explore/simplify/modify the expression, it's been explained on the top right panel of If you'd like, you can also watch in this link, how it would match against some sample inputs.

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