javascript - 如何使用自定义配置缩小 CSS 和 JS?

标签 javascript css obfuscation minimization

我需要一个可靠的 JS 和 CSS 最小化器,它可以自定义并与现代 CSS3 属性兼容。我更喜欢它有类似属性文件的东西来配置。 你能帮我解决这个问题吗?


正如@Calgary Coder 在 thread 中提到的那样:

There are a wide variety of options. In terms of actual tools, the most common are:

1) Google Closure Compiler Service

2) Microsoft AJAX Minifier

3) YuiCompressor or YuiCompressor.NET

and likely many more, but I have used each of these tools, and all are great to work with.

If you are working with a .NET application library, there are also various other options that extend these base tools, to combine like resources and reduce overall HTTP requests.

1) Combres

2) Xpedite

3) SquishIt

Again, also likely many more...

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