bash - Git-bash:无法 cd 到我的文档

标签 bash windows-7 git-bash

我在 Windows 7 上使用 git-bash,它似乎工作正常,只是我无法转到“我的文档”。我发现了一个稍微相关的问题 here , 但其实这不是我的问题。

我试图在下面的截图中描述我的问题: cannot cd to My Documents



将@eryksun 的评论拉入 community wiki回答

There is no "Documents" folder in your profile directory. I don't think Explorer updates the "My Documents" compatibility junction when the target is relocated. Right-click the Documents folder in Explorer, open the properties dialog, and click on the Location tab to see its real location on disk. You can create a new junction using mklink /j junction target.

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