bash - 在 MacOS 中,当电池电量低于阈值时播放警告的脚本

标签 bash macos scripting applescript battery

我正在使用 MacBook,但电池不可靠。我试图找到一个脚本命令,当电池电量低于阈值时,该命令将使笔记本电脑发出哔哔声。经过一些搜索和测试,我在下面找到了一个快速解决方案:

1)我首先创建一个名为 check_battery 的文件,内容如下:

ioreg -l | awk '$3~/Capacity/{c[$3]=$5}END{OFMT="%.3f";max=c["\"MaxCapacity\""]; bat= (max>0?100*c["\"CurrentCapacity\""]/max:"?"); printf("%d", bat)}'

sh check_battery>battery;
let t=60
read a < battery
if(( "$a" < "$t" ));
  say "Battery level is lower than 60%!";
  say "BEAP BEAP"

3)最后,我尝试将其添加到我的 crontab 作业中,但 crontab 已被 iOS 停止。然后我发现我必须使用launchd,具体如下:

它现在在我的 MacBook 实验室中工作,但可能有更好的解决方案。如果您有其他解决方案,请与我分享。非常感谢。


我认为您的脚本本身就是一个很好的脚本,但在定期运行时最终可能会占用大量资源,因为它会调用一个 shell 进程和两个程序来获取您想要的信息。

在这种情况下,我认为 AppleScript 具有 shell 脚本的几个优点,这主要归功于 osascript ,这是唯一一个需要执行才能运行 AppleScript 的程序,它可以在不创建 shell 进程的情况下执行此操作。

用于检索电池信息的 AppleScript


property threshold : 20 -- The level below which the script issues warnings
property verbose : false -- Report current battery level on every run
property file : "/tmp/battery.log" -- The path to the log file (from plist)

set eof of my file to 0

tell the battery()
    set warning_level to the warningLevel()
    if the warning_level = 1 then return check()
    warn about (warning_level - 1) * 5 with alert
end tell

# warn
#   Sends out a visible and audible warning with information about the
#   remaining charge (+level) on the battery.  Invoke without alert to have
#   the +level reported in the notification centre as a percentage.  Invoke 
#   with alert to have the +level reported in a pop-up alert dialog as an
#   estimation of the remaining battery time (in minutes), and which must be
#   dismissed by the user.
to warn about level without alert
    if not alert then display notification ¬
        ["Current battery level: ", level, "%"] as text ¬
        with title ["⚠️ Battery Warning"] sound name "Basso"

    say "Warning: battery low" using "Moira" pitch 127 ¬
        speaking rate 180 without waiting until completion

    if alert then display alert ["Warning: battery level is very low"] ¬
        message ["Estimated time remaining: " & level & " minutes"] ¬
        as critical giving up after 0
end warn

# battery()
#   Contains a script object that defines a number of convenience handlers that
#   retrieve information about the on-board power source
on battery()
        use framework "IOKit"
        use scripting additions
        property warninglevels : ["None", "Early", "Final"]

        on warningLevel() -- A ten-minute warning indicator
            IOPSGetBatteryWarningLevel() of the current application
        end warningLevel

        on info()
            IOPSCopyPowerSourcesInfo() of the current application ¬
                as record
        end info

        to check()
            copy [it, |current capacity|, |is charging|] of ¬
                info() to [ps_info, percentage, charging]

            if the percentage ≤ threshold ¬
                and it is not charging ¬
                then warn about percentage ¬
                without alert

            if verbose then return display notification [¬
                "Percentage: ", percentage, linefeed, ¬
                "Charging: ", charging] as text ¬
                with title ["🔋 Battery Information"]

            ["Script last run on ", current date, linefeed, ¬
                linefeed, __string(ps_info), linefeed] as text
        end check
    end script
end battery

# __string()
#   A that will return an AppleScript record as a formatted string, modified
#   specifically for use in this script, therefore may not port very well to
#   handle other records from other scripts
to __string(obj)
    if class of obj = text then return obj

        set E to {_:obj} as text
    on error E
        my tid:{null, "Can’t make {_:", ¬
            "} into type text.", ¬
            "{", "}", "|"}
        set E to E's text items as text
        my tid:{linefeed, ", "}
        set E to E's text items as text
    end try
end __string

# tid:
#   Set the text item delimiters
on tid:(d as list)
    local d

    if d = {} or d = {0} then set d to ""
    set my text item delimiters to d
end tid:


您可以根据自己的喜好安全地更改脚本顶部的三个属性。在 verbose模式,每次运行脚本时都会报告电池百分比和充电状态。如果您按分钟运行脚本,这可能会令人恼火,因此将其设置为 false默认情况下。

但是,当电池电量低于 threshold 时,您将收到通知中心的通知,以及 Moira 舒缓的苏格兰语气,它会发出声音警告,提示击球手电量不足。


该脚本还会返回一堆有关电池的其他信息,一般来说,您不会看到这些信息。但是,如果脚本被 launchd 执行plist,返回的信息记录在日志文件中,您可以在闲暇时检查。
launchdlaunchd提供了一种很好的、​​具有成本效益的定期运行脚本的方法,并且比创建 Stay Open 应用程序来轮询数据更可取(这是非常低效的,但在其他场景中也有用途)。

您已经找到了一个很好的链接来描述有关编写 .plist 的基础知识。文件以及如何保存它,然后调用(启动)它。我将在这里总结要点:
  • 创建一个 .plist看起来像这样:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
    <plist version="1.0">

    使用与 <string> 匹配的文件名保存它Label下的条目 key 。在这种情况下,我将我的保存为 local.battery.plist .我还在 plist 中指定的路径中保存了我的 AppleScript。在我的实验中,我很惊讶 launchd如果路径中有任何空格(即使已转义),或者如果我使用波浪号( ~ )作为主目录的简写,我就不喜欢它。因此,我将 AppleScript 保存为简单的 Battery.applescript并提供了我放置它的完整路径。
    StartInterval您可以在此处指定脚本运行的间隔(以秒为单位)。就个人而言,我认为 60 秒有点矫枉过正,但我​​将其设置为用于测试。在实践中,我可能会选择将其设置为 600(10 分钟)之类的值,但您可以判断什么最适合您。

    两人/tmp/最后的路径分别是写入错误和返回值的地方。如果更改日志文件的路径,请不要忘记更新 file AppleScript 中的属性。
  • 将 plist 保存或移动到目录 ~/Library/LaunchAgents/ .
  • 从终端使用以下 shell 命令加载它:
    launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/local.battery.plist
  • 如果稍后您对 .plist 进行了任何更改或 .applescript ,记得先卸载再用launchctl重新加载:
    launchctl unload ~/Library/LaunchAgents/local.battery.plist
    launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/local.battery.plist

  • 成功加载 .plist 后进入 launchd ,它应该立即运行 AppleScript 并将返回的数据写入日志文件。这是我的 /tmp/battery.log 的输出文件:
    Script last run on Tuesday, 1 January 2019 at 22:01:52
    is present:true
    is charged:true
    power source state:"AC Power"
    max capacity:100
    current capacity:100
    battery provides time remaining:true
    is charging:false
    hardware serial number:"D8663230496GLLHBJ"
    transport type:"Internal"
    time to empty:0
    power source id:4391011
    BatteryHealth:"Check Battery"
    time to full charge:0


    第一次电池信息非常有趣,但对于大多数用例来说可能是多余的。 (也就是说,我已经 只有 注意到有人建议我在 "Check Battery"BatteryHealth ,所以我现在很高兴我提取了额外的数据)。

    无论如何,如果额外的数据不是你认为自己需要的东西,我已经看到了 user3439894 留下的评论。这提供了一种非常好的、紧凑的和简单的方法来检索有关电池的更显着信息,即它的百分比水平以及它是否正在充电。这可以说是比我的 ObjC 方法更合适的 AppleScripting 解决方案,它会带来很小的开销,而且可以制作更短的脚本。


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