Bash:C-d 的真正作用是什么?

标签 bash readline

如果我在输入末尾按 C-d,输入似乎被刷新,但没有 EOF 发送到程序。但是,如果我再按一次 C-d,就会发送 EOF

为什么我第一次按 C-d 时没有发送 EOF?这种行为记录在哪里?

为了试验自己玩 cat,这里有一个例子:

$ cat


C-dEnd-of-transmission (EOT) character :

In Unix the end-of-file character (by default EOT) causes the terminal driver to make available all characters in its input buffer immediately; normally the driver would collect characters until it sees an end-of-line character. If the input buffer is empty (because no characters have been typed since the last end-of-line or end-of-file), a program reading from the terminal reads a count of zero bytes. In Unix, such a condition is understood as having reached the end of the file.

在您的示例中,当您运行 cat 并键入几个字符后跟 C-d 时,此时键入的字符将发送到 cat 将它们打印到屏幕上。现在输入缓冲区为空,因此当您再次键入 C-d 时,cat 从缓冲区读取零字节并终止,因为已满足文件结束条件。

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