swift 泛型 : Cannot convert value of type to expected argument type

标签 swift generics


protocol SomeProtocol {

class A: SomeProtocol {

func f1<T: SomeProtocol>(ofType: T.Type, listener: (T?) -> Void) {

func f2<T: SomeProtocol>(ofType: T.Type, listener: ([T]?) -> Void) {

func g() {
    let l1: (SomeProtocol?) -> Void = ...
    let l2: ([SomeProtocol]?) -> Void = ...
    f1(ofType: A.self, listener: l1) // NO ERROR
    f2(ofType: A.self, listener: l2) // COMPILE ERROR: Cannot convert value of type '([SomeProtocol]?) -> Void' to expected argument type '([_]?) -> Void'



swift 4.1 更新

这是一个已修复的错误 in this pull request ,这将使其成为 Swift 4.1 的发布版本。您的代码现在可以在 4.1 快照中按预期进行编译。

Swift 4.1 之前


  • 它可以处理从子类型元素数组到父类(super class)型元素数组的转换,例如 [A][SomeProtocol] – 这个是协方差。值得注意的是,数组在这里一直是一种边缘情况,因为任意泛型是不变的。某些集合,例如 Array,只是 get special treatment from the compiler允许协方差。

  • 它可以处理具有父类(super class)型参数的函数到具有子类型参数的函数的转换,例如 (SomeProtocol) -> Void(A) -> Void – 这是逆变。

然而,它目前似乎无法同时完成这两项工作(但实际上它应该能够;请随意 file a bug)。


protocol SomeProtocol {}
class A : SomeProtocol {}

func f1(listener: (A) -> Void) {}
func f2(listener: ([A]) -> Void) {}
func f3(listener: () -> [SomeProtocol]) {}

func g() {

    let l1: (SomeProtocol) -> Void = { _ in }        
    f1(listener: l1) // NO ERROR

    let l2: ([SomeProtocol]) -> Void = { _ in }
    f2(listener: l2) 
    // COMPILER ERROR: Cannot convert value of type '([SomeProtocol]) -> Void' to
    // expected argument type '([A]) -> Void'

    // it's the same story for function return types
    let l3: () -> [A] = { [] }
    f3(listener: l3)
    // COMPILER ERROR: Cannot convert value of type '() -> [A]' to
    // expected argument type '() -> [SomeProtocol]'


// converting a ([SomeProtocol]) -> Void to a ([A]) -> Void.
// compiler infers closure expression to be of type ([A]) -> Void, and in the
// implementation, $0 gets implicitly converted from [A] to [SomeProtocol].
f2(listener: { l2($0) })

// converting a () -> [A] to a () -> [SomeProtocol].
// compiler infers closure expression to be of type () -> [SomeProtocol], and in the
// implementation, the result of l3 gets implicitly converted from [A] to [SomeProtocol]
f3(listener: { l3() })


f2(ofType: A.self, listener: { l2($0) })

这是有效的,因为编译器将闭包表达式推断为 ([T]?) -> Void 类型,可以将其传递给 f2。在闭包的实现中,编译器随后将 $0[T]? 隐式转换为 [SomeProtocol]?

并且,as Dominik is hinting at ,这个蹦床也可以作为 f2 的额外重载来完成:

func f2<T : SomeProtocol>(ofType type: T.Type, listener: ([SomeProtocol]?) -> Void) {
    // pass a closure expression of type ([T]?) -> Void to the original f2, we then
    // deal with the conversion from [T]? to [SomeProtocol]? in the closure.
    // (and by "we", I mean the compiler, implicitly)
    f2(ofType: type, listener: { (arr: [T]?) in listener(arr) })

允许您再次将其称为 f2(ofType: A.self, listener: l2)

关于 swift 泛型 : Cannot convert value of type to expected argument type,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44991116/


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