bash - 如何在传递 ShellCheck 时通过环境变量将 glob 传递给 shell 脚本

标签 bash shell shellcheck

假设我有一个 shell 脚本,它应该回显一些值。我希望能够通过具有 glob 扩展的环境变量传递这些值:

$ ls
1.js  2.js*

$ FOO="*.js" bash ./
1.js 2.js


echo $FOO

确实,这行得通。但它没有通过 ShellCheck ,这要求我们使用隐式通配/扩展( SC2086 )。 (这是公平的;在原始代码中,回显行是 cp $FOO $BAR,我们确实不想在此处展开​​ $BAR;此错误会捕获错误。)


array=( $FOO )
echo "${array[@]}"

但不是:我们最终得到 SC2206 .

是否有一种规范的方式来做这种事情,这属于 ShellCheck 作者认为的最佳实践? (请随意使用 上的在线检查器对其进行测试。)这是完全错误的方法吗? ShellCheck 作者似乎不太可能从未想过这个用例......


在这种情况下,似乎没有针对 ShellCheck 警告的安全解决方法。然而,ShellCheck 的诊断并不是普遍真理。您可能已经注意到,其某些警告的文档包括一个异常(exception)部分。对于 SC2206上面写着:


If you have already taken care (through setting IFS and set -f) to have word splitting work the way you intend, you can ignore this warning.

现在,ShellCheck 提供directives根据具体情况忽略警告:

Shellcheck directives allow you to selectively ignore warnings, and takes the form of comments in files:

hexToAscii() {
  # shellcheck disable=SC2059
  printf "\x$1"

Supported directives are

  • disable to disable warnings:

    # shellcheck disable=code[,code...]


Directives instead of or immediately after the shebang apply to the entire script. Otherwise, they are scoped to the structure that follows it (such as all branches of a case statement, or an entire function).


#!/usr/bin/env bash

# The following line is needed so that the shellcheck directive
# below doesn't have global effect

# shellcheck disable=SC2206
array=( $FOO )
echo "${array[@]}"

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