rust - 如何进行数据并行图像处理?

标签 rust

我正在尝试用 Rust 编写一个简单的数据并行图像处理过滤器。 我已经使用以下代码在单线程中工作。

/// an example of a very simple filter
fn modular_filter_chunk(input: &[u16], slice_width: usize, slice_height: usize, mod_value: u16, output: &mut[u16]) {
    let size = slice_width*slice_height;
    for i in 0..size {
        output[i] = input[i] % mod_value;

fn modular_filter_multi(input: &Vec<u16>, width: usize, height: usize, slice_num: usize, mod_value: u16, output: &mut Vec<u16>) {
    // divide image vertically to slices
    let height_per_slice = height / slice_num;
    let size_per_chunk = height_per_slice * width;
    let in_itr = input.chunks(size_per_chunk);
    let out_itr = output.chunks_mut(size_per_chunk);
    for (input, output) in {
        modular_filter_chunk(input, width, height_per_slice, mod_value, output);

fn main() {
    let width: usize = 1024;
    let height: usize = 1024;
    let input = vec![1234; width*height];
    let mut output = vec![0; width*height];
    modular_filter_multi(&input, width, height, 4, 73, &mut output);

现在我想并行处理 for 循环,但我想不出一个简单的方法来执行此操作。我尝试像下面这样更改 for 循环,但无法通过编译错误。

let mut handles = Vec::new();
for (input, output) in {
    let h = std::thread::spawn(move || {
        modular_filter_chunk(input, width, height_per_slice, mod_value, output);
for handle in handles {


src\ 25:43 error: cannot infer an appropriate lifetime for lifetime parameter 'a in function call due to c
onflicting requirements
src\  let in_itr = input.chunks(size_per_chunk);
src\ 27:44 note: first, the lifetime cannot outlive the method call at 27:24...
src\  for (input, output) in {
note: in expansion of for loop expansion
src\ 29:3 note: expansion site
src\ 27:31 note: that method receiver is valid for the method call
src\  for (input, output) in {
note: in expansion of for loop expansion
src\ 29:3 note: expansion site
src\ 25:20 note: but, the lifetime must be valid for the expression at 25:14...
src\  let in_itr = input.chunks(size_per_chunk);
src\ 25:20 note: that pointer is not dereferenced outside its lifetime
src\  let in_itr = input.chunks(size_per_chunk);
error: aborting due to previous error
Could not compile `rust_multithread`.



让我们看看 thread::spawn 的签名:

pub fn spawn<F, T>(f: F) -> JoinHandle<T>
    where F: FnOnce() -> T,
          F: Send + 'static,
          T: Send + 'static

这说明 spawn 接受一个实现了 FnOnce 的类型 F(将被恰好调用一次)并且当被调用时将返回一些类型TFT 类型必须实现 Send 并且必须至少具有生命周期 'static

Send bound 将可能的类型限制为“能够跨线程边界传输的类型”,'static 意味着该类型中的任何引用必须在程序的整个 生命周期内存在,从 main 开始之前到 main 退出之后。



如您所见,thread::scoped 提供了一个解决方案。作用域线程需要在它们包含的任何引用过期之前加入。 但是,作用域线程不稳定是有原因的:它们是unsound in the presence of reference cycles .有一个 RFC把它带回来,但它周围有一些深层次的细节,所以它被推迟了。

作为hamstergene points out , 你可以使用 Arc在稳定的 Rust 中安全地共享不可变数据。您需要使用 Mutex共享您的可变输出缓冲区。您可以看出为什么人们对恢复 thread::scoped 感到兴奋!

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