rust - 向结构体添加新的成员变量

标签 rust


我正在尝试将新成员变量添加到 impl block 中的结构。

我正在使用 protoc-rust从 Protocol Buffer 程序化地生成 Rust 代码。特别是,它为原型(prototype)中定义的消息生成结构和方法。我需要向这些结构添加新成员以初始化结构中字节对象的一些 WebAssembly::Instance


pub struct Module {
    // message fields
    pub module_name: ::std::string::String,
    pub init_script: ::std::string::String,
    pub JS_boiler_plate: ::std::string::String,
    pub functions: ::protobuf::RepeatedField<Function>,
    pub meta_data: ::std::string::String,
    pub packager: ::std::string::String,
    pub pure_wasm: bool,
    pub wasm_binary: ::std::vec::Vec<u8>,
    // special fields
    pub unknown_fields: ::protobuf::UnknownFields,
    pub cached_size: ::protobuf::CachedSize,


impl RPC_Module::Module {
    self.wasm_instance: WebAssembly::Instance;

    pub fn init(&mut self) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
        // Init the instance based off of wasm_binary
        let self.wasm_instance = WebAssembly::Instance::new()



Compiling wRPC v0.1.0 (/Users/swarfield/Code/wRPC-Core/w-rpc-core)
error: expected one of `async`, `const`, `crate`, `default`, `existential`, `extern`, `fn`, `pub`, `type`, `unsafe`, or `}`, found `let`
  --> src/protos/
11 | impl RPC_Module::Module {
   |                          - expected one of 11 possible tokens here
12 |     let self.wasm_instance: WebAssembly::Instance;
   |     ^^^ unexpected token


I'm trying to add new member variables to a struct in an impl block.

Rust 不允许这样做。


struct ModuleInstance {
    wasm_instance: WebAssembly::Instance,
    module: RPC_Module::Module

.. 并从您的 init 函数返回它。

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