rust - 在基本特征对象中包含特征对象

标签 rust

抱歉,如果这看起来微不足道,但我正在尝试做一个简单的操作,但我很难做到。我只想有两个特征对象,其中一个有一个 Vector,其中包含一堆其他对象。

trait MetaClass {
    fn new() -> Self;
    fn add(&self, subtrait: Box<SubClass>);

struct MetaStruct {
    elems: Vec<Box<SubClass>>,

impl MetaClass for MetaStruct{
    fn new() -> MetaStruct {
            elems: Vec::new(),

    fn add(&self, subtrait: Box<SubClass>){
        // if I reformulate the above to 'fn add(&self, subtrait: SubClass){'
        // and use the below I get the trait `core::marker::Sized` is not implemented for the type `SubClass`

trait SubClass{
    fn new() -> Self;

struct MySubClass {
    data: i32,

impl SubClass for MySubClass {
    fn new() -> MySubClass{
            data: 10,

fn main(){
    let mut meta = Box::new(MetaStruct::new());
    // ideally I just want to do meta.add(MySubClass::new()) but as mentioned above that has some sizing issues :'(


<anon>:45:11: 45:38 error: cannot convert to a trait object because trait `SubClass` is not object-safe [E0038]
<anon>:45   meta.add(Box::new(MySubClass::new()));

这是 Rust 游戏的链接:


meta.add(Box::new(MySubClass::new()) as Box<SubClass>);

理想情况下,如果有一种方法可以使用 Rust 的静态调度来执行此操作,那将是理想的,但我也可以使用动态调度。在每种情况下,我认为让 MetaClass 实际上拥有子类的对象是有意义的,所以我不想传递对它的引用,而是传递整个对象本身。


I just want to have two trait objects whereby one has a Vector that contains a bunch of the other object.


trait TraitOne {
    fn add(&mut self, another: Box<TraitTwo>);

trait TraitTwo {
    fn value(&self) -> u8; 

struct Container(Vec<Box<TraitTwo>>);
impl TraitOne for Container {
    fn add(&mut self, another: Box<TraitTwo>) {

struct ThingOne(u8);
impl TraitTwo for ThingOne {
    fn value(&self) -> u8 { self.0 }

struct ThingTwo(u8, u8);
impl TraitTwo for ThingTwo {
    fn value(&self) -> u8 { self.0 + self.1 }

fn main() {
    let mut trait_1: Box<TraitOne> = Box::new(Container(vec![]));

    let thing_1: Box<TraitTwo> = Box::new(ThingOne(42));
    let thing_2: Box<TraitTwo> = Box::new(ThingTwo(21, 21));


您真正的错误在于对象安全。 Huon Wilson(Rust 核心团队成员)写了一个 great blog post about this .


trait SubClass{
    fn new() -> Self;

这不是对象安全的,引用 Huon(强调我的):

There’s two fundamental ways in which this can happen, as an argument or as a return value, in either case a reference to the Self type means that it must match the type of the self value, the true type of which is unknown at compile time.

也就是说,需要在栈或堆上分配多少字节来存放fn new() -> Self返回的对象?你无法知道,因为你只有一个特征对象。

一种解决方案是根据 followup blog post 确保 Self 在您的特征中是 Sized :

trait SubClass {
    fn new() -> Self where Self: Sized;


关于rust - 在基本特征对象中包含特征对象,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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