rust - 特征边界 `futures::Future<Item=Arc<T>, Error=Box<Error + Send>>: Send` 不满足

标签 rust rust-tokio

我有以下(简化的)代码片段,我正在尝试在 CpuPool 上运行 future :

use futures::{self, Future, IntoFuture};
use std::error;
use futures_cpupool::CpuPool;

pub struct Store<T: 'static + Send + Sync> {
    inner: Arc<StoreInner<T, C, SerDe, P>>,

struct StoreInner<T: 'static + Send + Sync> {
    read_thread_pool: CpuPool,

impl<T: 'static + Send + Sync> Store<T> {
    pub fn get(self, obj_id: String) -> Box<Future<Item = Arc<T>, Error = Box<error::Error + Send>>>
        T: for<'de> BinaryDeserialize<'de>,
        let latest_version_id =
            futures::future::ok(()).and_then(move |_| self.get_latest_version_id(&obj_id));
        let latest_version = latest_version_id.and_then(
            move |version_id| -> Box<Future<Item = Arc<T>, Error = Box<error::Error + Send>>> {
                self.get_version(&obj_id, version_id)


error[E0277]: the trait bound `futures::Future<Item=std::sync::Arc<T>, Error=std::boxed::Box<std::error::Error + std::marker::Send>>: std::marker::Send` is not satisfied
   --> src/store/
181 |         Box::new(self.inner.read_thread_pool.spawn(Box::new(latest_version)))
    |                                              ^^^^^ `futures::Future<Item=std::sync::Arc<T>, Error=std::boxed::Box<std::error::Error + std::marker::Send>>` cannot be sent between threads safely
    = help: the trait `std::marker::Send` is not implemented for `futures::Future<Item=std::sync::Arc<T>, Error=std::boxed::Box<std::error::Error + std::marker::Send>>`
    = note: required because of the requirements on the impl of `std::marker::Send` for `std::ptr::Unique<futures::Future<Item=std::sync::Arc<T>, Error=std::boxed::Box<std::error::Error + std::marker::Send>>>`
    = note: required because it appears within the type `std::boxed::Box<futures::Future<Item=std::sync::Arc<T>, Error=std::boxed::Box<std::error::Error + std::marker::Send>>>`
    = note: required because it appears within the type `futures::future::chain::Chain<futures::AndThen<futures::FutureResult<(), std::boxed::Box<std::error::Error + std::marker::Send>>, std::boxed::Box<futures::Future<Item=serde::export::Option<std::string::String>, Error=std::boxed::Box<std::error::Error + std::marker::Send>>>, [closure@src/store/ 177:115 self:_, obj_id:_]>, std::boxed::Box<futures::Future<Item=std::sync::Arc<T>, Error=std::boxed::Box<std::error::Error + std::marker::Send>>>, [closure@src/store/ 180:10 self:_, obj_id:_]>`
    = note: required because it appears within the type `futures::AndThen<futures::AndThen<futures::FutureResult<(), std::boxed::Box<std::error::Error + std::marker::Send>>, std::boxed::Box<futures::Future<Item=serde::export::Option<std::string::String>, Error=std::boxed::Box<std::error::Error + std::marker::Send>>>, [closure@src/store/ 177:115 self:_, obj_id:_]>, std::boxed::Box<futures::Future<Item=std::sync::Arc<T>, Error=std::boxed::Box<std::error::Error + std::marker::Send>>>, [closure@src/store/ 180:10 self:_, obj_id:_]>`
    = note: required because of the requirements on the impl of `std::marker::Send` for `std::ptr::Unique<futures::AndThen<futures::AndThen<futures::FutureResult<(), std::boxed::Box<std::error::Error + std::marker::Send>>, std::boxed::Box<futures::Future<Item=serde::export::Option<std::string::String>, Error=std::boxed::Box<std::error::Error + std::marker::Send>>>, [closure@src/store/ 177:115 self:_, obj_id:_]>, std::boxed::Box<futures::Future<Item=std::sync::Arc<T>, Error=std::boxed::Box<std::error::Error + std::marker::Send>>>, [closure@src/store/ 180:10 self:_, obj_id:_]>>`
    = note: required because it appears within the type `std::boxed::Box<futures::AndThen<futures::AndThen<futures::FutureResult<(), std::boxed::Box<std::error::Error + std::marker::Send>>, std::boxed::Box<futures::Future<Item=serde::export::Option<std::string::String>, Error=std::boxed::Box<std::error::Error + std::marker::Send>>>, [closure@src/store/ 177:115 self:_, obj_id:_]>, std::boxed::Box<futures::Future<Item=std::sync::Arc<T>, Error=std::boxed::Box<std::error::Error + std::marker::Send>>>, [closure@src/store/ 180:10 self:_, obj_id:_]>>`



认为这里的问题是 Future 特性不是 Send 只是因为它的 ItemError 都是 Send - 你必须明确指定它。

如果 Future 是一个结构,我认为编译器可以自动派生 Send,但它不是,所以它不能。

我修复了编译错误,并将 + Send 添加到您定义的 Future 类型,现在它可以编译(除了没有 主要功能):

extern crate futures;
extern crate futures_cpupool;

use futures::Future;
use std::error;
use std::sync::Arc;
use futures_cpupool::CpuPool;

pub struct Store {
    inner: Arc<StoreInner>,

struct StoreInner {
    read_thread_pool: CpuPool,

impl Store {
    pub fn get<T: 'static + Send + Sync>(
        obj_id: String,
    ) -> Box<Future<Item = Arc<T>, Error = Box<error::Error + Send>> + Send> {
        let latest_version_id =
            futures::future::ok(()).and_then(move |_| self.get_latest_version_id(&obj_id));
        let latest_version =
                    move |version_id| -> Box<
                        Future<Item = Arc<T>, Error = Box<error::Error + Send>> + Send,
                    > { self.get_version(&obj_id, version_id) },

    pub fn get_latest_version_id(
        obj_id: &String,
    ) -> Box<Future<Item = String, Error = Box<error::Error + Send>> + Send> {

    pub fn get_version<T: 'static + Send + Sync>(
        obj_id: &String,
        version_id: String,
    ) -> Box<Future<Item = Arc<T>, Error = Box<error::Error + Send>> + Send> {


关于rust - 特征边界 `futures::Future<Item=Arc<T>, Error=Box<Error + Send>>: Send` 不满足,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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