rust - 如何为结构的可变引用中的字段换入新值?

标签 rust


struct A {
    field: SomeType,

给定一个 &mut A,我如何移动 field 的值并换入一个新值?

fn foo(a: &mut A) {
    let mut my_local_var = a.field;
    a.field = SomeType::new();

    // ...
    // do things with my_local_var
    // some operations may modify the NEW field's value as well.

最终目标将等同于 get_and_set() 操作。在这种情况下,我并不担心并发性。


使用std::mem::swap() .

fn foo(a: &mut A) {
    let mut my_local_var = SomeType::new();
    mem::swap(&mut a.field, &mut my_local_var);

std::mem::replace() .

fn foo(a: &mut A) {
    let mut my_local_var = mem::replace(&mut a.field, SomeType::new());

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