string - 如果字符串文字在整个程序期间都处于事件状态,那么它们如何具有不同的生命周期?

标签 string rust

我收到一个错误,“xo”和向量向量中的字符串文字具有不同的生命周期。我能够通过 to_string() 将文字转换为 Strings 找到解决方法,但我仍然想了解这个错误。

fn main() {
    let mut tic_tac = vec![
        vec!["[ ]", "[ ]", "[ ]"],
        vec!["[ ]", "[ ]", "[ ]"],
        vec!["[ ]", "[ ]", "[ ]"],

    let letter = "[x]";

    make_move(&letter, 1, &mut tic_tac);
    make_move(&letter, 4, &mut tic_tac);

fn make_move(xo: &str, position: i32, board: &mut Vec<Vec<&str>>) {
    if position < 4 && position <= 1 {
        match position {
            1 => board[0][0] = xo,
            2 => board[0][1] = xo,
            3 => board[0][2] = xo,
            _ => (),
error[E0623]: lifetime mismatch
  --> src/
15 | fn make_move(xo: &str, position: i32, board: &mut Vec<Vec<&str>>) {
   |                  ----                                     ----
   |                  |
   |                  these two types are declared with different lifetimes...
18 |             1 => board[0][0] = xo,
   |                                ^^ ...but data from `xo` flows into `board` here


您的函数不知道它只会用字符串文字调用。您可以通过删除 main 的整个主体来看到这一点——没关系。如果你花时间创建一个Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example ,您会自己发现这一点。

由于lifetime elision ,函数有效定义为:

fn make_move<'a, 'b>(xo: &'a str, position: i32, board: &mut Vec<Vec<&'b str>>) 



fn make_move<'a>(xo: &'a str, position: i32, board: &mut Vec<Vec<&'a str>>)


fn make_move(xo: &'static str, position: i32, board: &mut Vec<Vec<&str>>)

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