rust - 对 Rust 的闭包生命周期感到困惑

标签 rust closures lifetime

我遇到了一个令人困惑的情况,即编译器输出的内容在逻辑上没有意义。 这是重现我在项目代码中遇到的相同问题的最小示例。

use std::sync::Arc;

struct A<'a, T> {
    f: Box<dyn Fn(&u32) -> T + 'a>

struct B<'a> {
    inner: A<'a, Z<'a>>

impl<'a, T> A<'a, T> {
    fn new<F>(f: F) -> Self where F: Fn(&u32) -> T + 'a {
        A { f: Box::new(f) }

struct X<'a> {
    _d: &'a std::marker::PhantomData<()>

struct Z<'a> {
    _d: &'a std::marker::PhantomData<()>

impl<'a> X<'a> {
    fn g(&self, y: u32) -> Z {
        Z { _d: &std::marker::PhantomData }

impl<'a> B<'a> {
    fn new(x: Arc<X<'a>>) -> Self {
        B {
            inner: A::new(move |y: &u32| -> Z {

fn main() {


error[E0495]: cannot infer an appropriate lifetime for lifetime parameter in function call due to conflicting requirements
35 |                 x.g(*y)
   |                   ^
note: first, the lifetime cannot outlive the lifetime '_ as defined on the body at 34:27...
34 |             inner: A::new(move |y: &u32| -> Z {
   |                           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
note: that closure can access `x`
35 |                 x.g(*y)
   |                 ^
note: but, the lifetime must be valid for the lifetime 'a as defined on the impl at 31:6...
31 | impl<'a> B<'a> {
   |      ^^
   = note: that the expression is assignable:
           expected B<'a>
              found B<'_>

error: aborting due to previous error

我不太明白日志中提到的“生命周期”指的是什么,以及匿名生命周期 '_ 究竟代表什么。



impl<'a> X<'a> {
    fn g(&self, y: u32) -> Z<'a> {
        Z { _d: &std::marker::PhantomData }

然后编译整个过程。这是 Rust 的 lifetime elision rule 的一个例子开始发挥作用。


  • Each elided lifetime in input position becomes a distinct lifetime parameter.
  • If there are multiple input lifetime positions, but one of them is &self or &mut self, the lifetime of self is assigned to all elided output lifetimes.


impl<'a> X<'a> {
    fn g<'b>(&'b self, y: u32) -> Z<'b> {
        Z { _d: &std::marker::PhantomData }

省略的生命周期参数 'b 将来自调用站点,这正是您在错误消息中看到的内容。 rustc 无法协调两个生命周期,因此出现错误。

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