rust - 有没有办法获取对 Vec<T> 的可变子切片的引用?

标签 rust slice

我想预分配一个向量,然后写入它的切片,包括 writing to it from a TcpStream ,它以 buf: &mut [u8] 作为参数。

// Create a vec with 256MB capacity
let mut myvec: Vec<u8> = Vec::with_capacity(268435456);

// Grow the vec to 256MB and initialize it with zeroes 
myvec.resize(268435456, 0x00);

// Try to get a mutable slice of the first 1kb of the vec
let body_slice: &mut [u8] = myvec[10..1034];
error[E0308]: mismatched types
 --> src/
9 |     let body_slice: &mut [u8] = myvec[10..1034];
  |                     ---------   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  |                     |           |
  |                     |           expected `&mut [u8]`, found slice `[u8]`
  |                     |           help: consider mutably borrowing here: `&mut myvec[10..1034]`
  |                     expected due to this



let body_slice: &mut [u8] = &mut myvec[10..1034];

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