struct - 如何向具有同类类型的结构/元组添加索引支持?

标签 struct types rust

我有兴趣添加对结构或元组索引的支持,即使它可以使用点语法 mytu​​ple.0 例如,我希望能够使用变量来访问索引,例如:mytu​​ple[i],


use std::ops::Index;

struct Vector(f64, f64);

impl Index<usize> for Vector {
    type Output = f64;

    fn index(&self, _index: usize) -> f64 {
        match _index {
            0 => self.0,
            1 => self.1,
            _ => panic!("invalid index: {:?}", index)

fn main() {
    let v = Vector(5.0, 5.0);
    for i in 0..2 {
        println!("value {} at index {}\n", v[i], i);


src/ 14:10 error: method `index` has an incompatible type for trait:
 expected &-ptr,
    found f64 [E0053]
src/         fn index(&self, _index: usize) -> f64 {



问题正是编译器告诉您的内容:您正在尝试更改Index 特征的定义。你不被允许那样做。再看定义:

pub trait Index<Idx> where Idx: ?Sized {
    type Output: ?Sized;
    fn index(&self, index: Idx) -> &Self::Output;


method `index` has an incompatible type for trait: expected &-ptr, found f64

如果您要求编译器 explain that error code,您还会得到更详细的解释:

> rustc --explain E0053
The parameters of any trait method must match between a trait implementation
and the trait definition.

Here are a couple examples of this error:

trait Foo {
    fn foo(x: u16);
    fn bar(&self);

struct Bar;

impl Foo for Bar {
    // error, expected u16, found i16
    fn foo(x: i16) { }

    // error, values differ in mutability
    fn bar(&mut self) { }


impl Index<usize> for Vector {
    type Output = f64;

    fn index(&self, index: usize) -> &f64 {
        match index {
            0 => &self.0,
            1 => &self.1,
            _ => panic!("invalid index: {:?}", index)


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