rust - 如何将生命周期设置为闭包中捕获的值?

标签 rust closures lifetime borrowing



extern crate rocket;
extern crate statsd;

use rocket::{Data, Request};
use rocket::fairing::AdHoc;
use statsd::Client;

fn index() -> &'static str {
    "Hello, World"

fn main() {
    let mut client = Client::new("", "miniserver-rs").unwrap();

        .attach(AdHoc::on_request(|request, data|{
            println!("Request URI: {}", request.uri());
       .mount("/", routes![index])


   Compiling miniserver-rs v0.1.0 (
error[E0373]: closure may outlive the current function, but it borrows `client`, which is owned by the current function
  --> src\
19 |       .attach(AdHoc::on_request(|request, _data|{
   |                                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ may outlive borrowed value `client`
20 |           client.incr("http.requests");
   |           ------ `client` is borrowed here help: to force the closure to take ownership of `client` (and any other referenced variables), use the `move` keyword
19 |       .attach(AdHoc::on_request(move |request, _data|{
   |                                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

error[E0387]: cannot borrow data mutably in a captured outer variable in an `Fn` closure
  --> src\
20 |           client.incr("http.requests");
   |           ^^^^^^
help: consider changing this closure to take self by mutable reference
  --> src\
19 |         .attach(AdHoc::on_request(|request, _data|{
   |  _________________________________^
20 | |           client.incr("http.requests");
21 | |           println!("Request URI: {}", request.uri());
22 | |       }))
   | |_______^

我知道 client 被捕获在一个闭包中并由另一个函数 (main) 拥有,该函数的生命周期可能比闭包短。我无法移动它,因为Client 没有实现Copy,因此以后无法使用该引用。

我也明白我不能在闭包中借用可变数据(Client 是可变的)。经过大量搜索,我可以得出结论,我需要结合使用 Arc/RcMutex/RwLock/RefCell,但在继续之前,我想确定它是必需的。


让我们看看要求。你想调用 statsd::Client::incr(&mut client, metric) 从闭包内部,所以你需要可变访问 client .这是您用 || 关闭的变量.

现在 AdHoc::on_request<F>(f: F) 需要 F: Fn(...) + Send + Sync + 'static . Fn意味着您只能通过 &self 对您的捕获进行不可变访问. 'static bound 意味着捕获本身不能是引用,因此它需要 move || .最后Sync意味着你不能使用 CellRefCell&self.client 获取可变引用,因为 Rocket 将在线程之间共享它。

正如您所怀疑的,通过 Send + Sync 共享可变访问的规范解决方案值是使用 Arc<Mutex<_>> .这样也解决了“搬家失联”的问题。您的代码如下所示(未经测试):

fn main() {
    let client = Arc::new(Mutex::new(
        Client::new("", "miniserver-rs").unwrap()));

    // shallow-clone the Arc to move it into closure
    let rocket_client = client.clone();
        .attach(AdHoc::on_request(move |request, data|{

            println!("Request URI: {}", request.uri());
       .mount("/", routes![index])


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