rust - 如何根据泛型类型参数赋予不同的值?

标签 rust

我正在尝试通过遵循 TheChernoProject Series on openGL 来实现 VertexBufferLayout 结构.我一直很容易地将 C++ 系列改编为 Rust,但我被卡住了。

VertexBufferElement 有一个计数,它使用的 data_type 的 glEnum 和一个 bool 值,标准化。有一个名为 push 的通用方法,它采用 u32 计数,将 VertexBufferElement 推送到元素 Vec 并更新步幅。

我似乎无法获得接受代码以匹配类型的函数。当我遇到错误时,我尝试使用 TypeIdAnyPhantomData

pub fn push<T: 'a>(&mut self, count: u32) {
    let dt = TypeId::of::<T>();
    let (data_type, normalized) = if dt == TypeId::of::<i8>() {
        (gl::BYTE, false)
    } else if dt == TypeId::of::<u8>() {
        (gl::UNSIGNED_BYTE, true)
    } else if dt == TypeId::of::<i16>() {
        (gl::SHORT, false)
    } else if dt == TypeId::of::<u16>() {
        (gl::UNSIGNED_SHORT, false)
    } else if dt == TypeId::of::<i32>() {
        (gl::INT, false)
    } else if dt == TypeId::of::<u32>() {
        (gl::UNSIGNED_INT, false)
    } else if dt == TypeId::of::<f16>() {
        (gl::HALF_FLOAT, false)
    } else if dt == TypeId::of::<f32>() {
        (gl::FLOAT, false)
    } else if dt == TypeId::of::<f64>() {
        (gl::DOUBLE, false)
    } else {
        panic!("Incompatible Type")
    self.elements.push(VertexBufferElement{data_type, count, normalized, _marker: PhantomData});
    self.stride += mem::size_of::<T>();

    error[E0310]: the parameter type `T` may not live long enough
  --> opengl\examples\
25 |     pub fn push<T: 'a>(&mut self, count: u32) {
   |                 -- help: consider adding an explicit lifetime bound `T: 'static`...
26 |         let dt = TypeId::of::<T>();
   |                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
note: that the type `T` will meet its required lifetime bounds
  --> opengl\examples\
26 |         let dt = TypeId::of::<T>();

起初它是 'T​​' 可能活得不够长,但它只是一个通用函数,而且 float 只指示一个保存的数字,而不是类型本身,所以我尝试了 PhantomData。之后的任何错误都是我不知道自己在做什么,之前从未使用过 PhantomData,并且找不到针对这种情况的任何信息。



help: consider adding an explicit lifetime bound T: 'static...

use std::any::TypeId;

enum Type {

fn decide<T: 'static>() -> (Type, bool) {
    let dt = TypeId::of::<T>();

    if dt == TypeId::of::<u8>() {
        (Type::Byte, false)
    } else if dt == TypeId::of::<u16>() {
        (Type::Short, true)
    } else {
        panic!("Unknown type")

fn main() {}

在 Rust 的 future 版本中,您可以使用 match 表达式来缩短它:


fn decide<T: 'static>() -> (Type, bool) {
    const ID_U8: TypeId = TypeId::of::<u8>();
    const ID_U16: TypeId = TypeId::of::<u16>();

    match TypeId::of::<T>() {
        ID_U8 => (Type::Byte, false),
        ID_U16 => (Type::Short, true),
        _ => panic!("Unknown type"),


enum Type {

trait AsType {
    fn as_type() -> (Type, bool);

impl AsType for u8 {
    fn as_type() -> (Type, bool) {
        (Type::Byte, false)

impl AsType for u16 {
    fn as_type() -> (Type, bool) {
        (Type::Short, true)

fn main() {
    u8::as_type();   // Ok
    bool::as_type(); // Error
error[E0599]: no function or associated item named `as_type` found for type `bool` in the current scope
  --> src/
24 |     bool::as_type();
   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ function or associated item not found in `bool`
   = help: items from traits can only be used if the trait is implemented and in scope
   = note: the following trait defines an item `as_type`, perhaps you need to implement it:
           candidate #1: `AsType`

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