generics - 是否可以创建一个类型别名,该别名在函数的泛型类型上具有特征界限?

标签 generics rust function-pointers traits type-alias


pub type Foo<T: Read> = fn(bar: T);

产量 error E0122 (在较新版本的 Rust 中,这只是一个警告):

An attempt was made to add a generic constraint to a type alias. This constraint is entirely ignored. For backwards compatibility, Rust still allows this with a warning. Consider the example below:

trait Foo {}

type MyType<R: Foo> = (R, ());

fn main() {
    let t: MyType<u32>;

We're able to declare a variable of type MyType<u32>, despite the fact that u32 does not implement Foo. As a result, one should avoid using generic constraints in concert with type aliases.



对于从 Rust 1.47.0 开始仍然对此感到好奇的人来说,它仍然是不可能的,但看起来你会收到一 strip 有描述和建议替代方案的不错的小警告消息。 例如

pub type PublishQueue<T: From<Message>> = (tokio::sync::mpsc::Sender<T>);


note: `#[warn(type_alias_bounds)]` on by default
help: the bound will not be checked when the type alias is used, and should be removed
| pub type PublishQueue<T> = sync::mpsc::Sender<T>;

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