rust - &diesel::MysqlConnection 未实现特性 diesel::Connection

标签 rust rust-diesel

我正在努力学习 Diesel以下 this tutorial .这是我使用 Diesel 创建的演示程序:

#![recursion_limit = "128"]

extern crate diesel;
extern crate diesel_infer_schema;

extern crate dotenv;
use diesel::mysql::MysqlConnection;
use diesel::prelude::*;
use dotenv::dotenv;
use std::env;

pub fn establish_connection() -> MysqlConnection {
    let db_url: String = String::from(env::var("DB_URL").expect("DB_URL must be set"));
    let db_connection =
        MysqlConnection::establish(&db_url).expect(&format!("Error connecting to {}", &db_url));

    return db_connection;

pub mod schema {

use schema::*;

table! {
    tag {
        id -> SmallInt,
        tag_name -> Varchar,

#[derive(Queryable, Insertable)]
#[table_name = "tag"]
pub struct Tag {
    pub id: i16,
    pub tag_name: String,

fn read_and_output(db_connection: &MysqlConnection) {
    let results = tag::table.load::<Tag>(&db_connection).expect("problem");
    println!("Returned results: {}", results.len());
    for r in results {
        println!("{} {}",, r.tag_name);

pub fn insert_tag(db_connection: &MysqlConnection, tag_id_val: i16, tag_name_val: String) {
    let new_tag = Tag {
        id: tag_id_val,
        tag_name: tag_name_val,

        .expect("Error inserting");

fn main() {
    println!("Hello, world!");
    let db_connection = establish_connection();

    // 1. query data from the table

    // 2. insert new data into the table
    let tag_id: i16 = 778;
    let tag_name: String = String::from("educational");
    insert_tag(&db_connection, tag_id, tag_name);

完整代码可在my GitHub repository中找到.

当我使用 cargo build 编译程序时,我得到这个错误:

error[E0277]: the trait bound `&diesel::MysqlConnection: diesel::Connection` is not satisfied
--> src/
45 |     let results = tag::table.load::<Tag>(&db_connection)
   |                              ^^^^ the trait `diesel::Connection` is not implemented for `&diesel::MysqlConnection`
= help: the following implementations were found:
            <diesel::MysqlConnection as diesel::Connection>
= note: required because of the requirements on the impl of `diesel::query_dsl::LoadQuery<&diesel::MysqlConnection, Tag>` for `tag::table`

当我注释掉 read_and_output 函数及其调用时,代码会编译并将记录插入数据库。



在您的代码中,db_connection 已经是对 MysqlConnection 的引用,即 &MysqlConnection 类型,因此只需传递 db_connection 而不是像这样的 &db_connection

let results = tag::table.load::<Tag>(db_connection);

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