rust - 如何获得对拥有对象的引用的生命周期? (无法为生命周期参数推断出合适的生命周期)

标签 rust


extern crate collections;
fn print_x_from_table(table: collections::BTreeMap<String, String>) {
    let x: &str = table
        .map(|s: &String| &s[])  // ERROR!
    println!("table contains x={}", x);


src/ 5:25 error: cannot infer an appropriate lifetime for lifetime parameter 'a in function call due to conflicting requirements
src/       .map(|s: &String| &s[])
src/ 7:35 note: first, the lifetime cannot outlive the expression at 7:33...
src/   println!("table contains x={}", x);
note: in expansion of format_args!
<std macros>:2:43: 2:76 note: expansion site
<std macros>:1:1: 2:78 note: in expansion of println!
src/ 7:37 note: expansion site
src/ 7:35 note: type `&str` of expression is valid during the expression
src/   println!("table contains x={}", x);

如果 table 是一个引用参数,我知道我可以添加一个类型参数 'a 来指示 s 应该存在多长时间。但是当我拥有 table 时我该怎么做呢?

extern crate collections;
fn print_x_from_ref_table<'a>(table: &'a collections::BTreeMap<String, String>) {
    let x: &'a str = table
        .map(|s: &'a String| &s[])
    println!("table contains x={}", x);


我设法通过避免使用闭包和使用匹配来让它工作。我认为这是可行的,因为在 .map(|s| &s[]) 中,编译器会感到困惑,并认为引用的生命周期应该比实际生命周期短。

fn print_x_from_table(table: collections::BTreeMap<String, String>) {
    let x = match table.get("x") {
        Some(v) => &v[],
        None => ""
    println!("table contains x={}", x);

关于rust - 如何获得对拥有对象的引用的生命周期? (无法为生命周期参数推断出合适的生命周期),我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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