closures - 如何从函数返回 Rust 闭包?

标签 closures rust

尝试学习 Rust,似乎我很难找到如何返回 0.13 的函数(每晚)。我的基本示例是尝试处理不可变的参数,因此我希望以下内容能够工作。当我在线阅读时,似乎在 0.13 中行为会发生变化(所以我在线阅读的所有内容似乎都不起作用)。

$ rustc --version
rustc 0.13.0-nightly (62fb41c32 2014-12-23 02:41:48 +0000)


fn test_fn_return_closure() {
  fn sum(x: int) -> |int| -> int {
    |y| { x + y }

  let add3 = sum(3i);
  let result: int = add3(5i);

  assert!(result == 8i);

/rust-lang-intro/closures/tests/ 98:33 error: explicit lifetime bound required
/rust-lang-intro/closures/tests/   fn sum(x: int) -> |int| -> int {
error: aborting due to previous error
Could not compile `closures`.


let sum = |x: int| {
  &|y: int| { x + y }
let add3 = *(sum(3i));


/rust-lang-intro/closures/tests/ 102:24 error: cannot infer an appropriate lifetime for borrow expression due to conflicting requirements
/rust-lang-intro/closures/tests/     &|y: int| { x + y }
/rust-lang-intro/closures/tests/ 105:25 note: first, the lifetime cannot outlive the expression at 105:13...
/rust-lang-intro/closures/tests/   let add3 = *(sum(3i));
/rust-lang-intro/closures/tests/ 105:25 note: that pointer is not dereferenced outside its lifetime
/rust-lang-intro/closures/tests/   let add3 = *(sum(3i));
/rust-lang-intro/closures/tests/ 102:24 note: but, the lifetime must be valid for the expression at 102:5...
/rust-lang-intro/closures/tests/     &|y: int| { x + y }
/rust-lang-intro/closures/tests/ 102:24 note: type `|int| -> int` of expression is valid during the expression
/rust-lang-intro/closures/tests/     &|y: int| { x + y }
error: aborting due to previous error
Could not compile `closures`.



在当前的 1.1.0 时代 Rust 中,这是有详细记录的。

mod tests {
    // the `type` is not needed but it makes it easier if you will
    // be using it in other function declarations.
    type Adder = Fn(i32) -> i32;

    fn sum(x: i32) -> Box<Adder> {
        Box::new(move |n: i32| x + n)

    fn it_works() {
        let foo = sum(2);
        assert_eq!(5, foo(3));

参见the Rust docs了解更多详情。

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