rust - 匹配武器 : "mismatched types expected (), found integral variable"

标签 rust

我编写了以下代码来解析字符串以获取其中编码的整数,并使用 match 检查错误。如果我得到一个 Err(e),我想打印出错误 e,并返回一个默认值。

return match t.parse::<usize>() {
    Ok(n) => n,
    Err(e) => {
        println!("Couldn't parse the value for gateway_threads {}", e);
        // Return two as a default value
        return 2;

但是,该代码无法编译,因为它期望类型 () 但得到一个整数:

error[E0308]: mismatched types
  --> src/
37 |                         return 2;
   |                                ^ expected (), found integral variable
   = note: expected type `()`
              found type `{integer}

如果我删除默认值的返回,我会得到错误 expected usize but got `()`:

error[E0308]: match arms have incompatible types
  --> src/
33 |                   return match t.parse::<usize>() {
   |  ________________________^
34 | |                     Ok(n) => n,
35 | |                     Err(e) => {
36 | |                         println!("Couldn't parse the value for gateway_threads {}", e); //TODO: Log this
37 | |                         //return 2;
38 | |                     },
39 | |                 };
   | |_________________^ expected usize, found ()
   = note: expected type `usize`
              found type `()`
note: match arm with an incompatible type
  --> src/
35 |                       Err(e) => {
   |  _______________________________^
36 | |                         println!("Couldn't parse the value for gateway_threads {}", e); //TODO: Log this
37 | |                         //return 2;
38 | |                     },
   | |_____________________^

完整代码(我正在解析 INI 配置文件以获取我的一些值):

extern crate threadpool;
extern crate ini;

use std::net::{TcpListener, TcpStream};
use std::io::Read;
use std::process;
use threadpool::ThreadPool;
use ini::Ini;

fn main() {

    let mut amount_workers: usize;
    let mut network_listen = String::with_capacity(21);
    //Load INI
        let conf: Ini = match Ini::load_from_file("/etc/iotcloud/conf.ini") {
            Ok(t) => t,
            Err(e) => {
                println!("Error load ini file {}", e);
        let section = match conf.section(Some("network".to_owned())) {
            Some(t) => t,
            None => {
                println!("Couldn't find the network ");
        //amount_workers = section.get("gateway_threads").unwrap().parse().unwrap();
        amount_workers = match section.get("gateway_threads") {
            Some(t) => {
                return match t.parse::<usize>() {
                    Ok(n) => n,
                    Err(e) => {
                        println!("Couldn't parse the value for gateway_threads {}", e);
                        // Return two as a default value
                        return 2; //ERROR HERE;
            None => 2, // Return two as a default value
        let ip = section.get("bind_ip").unwrap();
        let port = section.get("bind_port").unwrap();




amount_workers = match section.get("gateway_threads") {
    Some(t) => {
        return match t.parse::<usize>() {
            Ok(n) => n,
            Err(e) => {
                println!("Couldn't parse the value for gateway_threads {}", e); //TODO: Log this
                return 2; //ERROR HERE; //Default value is set to 2
    None => 2, //Default value is set to 2

amount_workers = match section.get("gateway_threads") {
    Some(t) => {
        match t.parse::<usize>() {  // No return
            Ok(n) => n,
            Err(e) => {
                println!("Couldn't parse the value for gateway_threads {}", e); //TODO: Log this
                2  // No semicolon, no return
        } // No semicolon
    None => 2, //Default value is set to 2

不以 ; 结尾的语句是你在 Rust 中返回值的方式。当您希望整个函数在最后一行之前返回一个值时,使用 return 关键字,这就是为什么将其称为“提前返回”的原因。

您会找到更多关于 Rust 如何处理表达式的信息 here .

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