namespaces - 为什么我不能在 Trait impl block 的 match Arms 中使用 Self?

标签 namespaces rust


mod sufficiently_long_namespace {
    pub enum Foo {

use std::fmt::{Display, Error, Formatter};

impl Display for sufficiently_long_namespace::Foo {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> Result<(), Error> {
        match self {
            //-- NOTE: this works
            sufficiently_long_namespace::Foo::Bar  => write!(f, "it's Foo stuff"),
            sufficiently_long_namespace::Foo::Buzz => write!(f, "it's Buzz stuff"),
            sufficiently_long_namespace::Foo::Quux => write!(f, "it's Quux stuff"),
            //-- but this doesn't:
            // Self::Bar  => write!(f, "it's Foo stuff"),
            // Self::Buzz => write!(f, "it's Buzz stuff"),
            // Self::Quux => write!(f, "it's Quux stuff"),

fn main() {
    let test1 = sufficiently_long_namespace::Foo::Bar;
    println!("{}", test1);

它编译得很好。使用 Self 注释掉的版本令人惊讶的是,事实并非如此:

error[E0599]: no variant named Bar found for type sufficiently_long_namespace::Foo in the current scope

这是rustc 1.30.0-nightly (73c78734b 2018-08-05) .


最后,我确实想要明确的名称 impl Display for sufficiently_long_namespace::Foo ,但必须在 match 中重复此操作 ARM 看起来很笨重。


来自 IRC:

(01:16PM) SpaceManiac: it's more of a missing feature than a bug
(01:17PM) SpaceManiac: consider use long_ns::Foo; at the top of fmt() then Foo::Bar in the match

Rust 的用途permits renaming ,所以我可以这样做:

    use sufficiently_long_namespace::Foo as _Self;
    match self {
        _Self::Bar  => write!(f, "it's Foo stuff"),
        _Self::Buzz => write!(f, "it's Buzz stuff"),
        _Self::Quux => write!(f, "it's Quux stuff"),


    use sufficiently_long_namespace::Foo;
    match self {
        Bar  => write!(f, "it's Foo stuff"),
        Buzz => write!(f, "it's Buzz stuff"),
        Quux => write!(f, "it's Quux stuff"),

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