vector - 如何将 Vec<String> 扩展为 HashMap 值?

标签 vector hashmap rust

我有一个HashMap<String, Vec<String>> 。我不知道如何通过增加 Vec 来更新该值。我认为以下内容会起作用:

fn add_employee(mut data: HashMap<String, Vec<String>>) -> HashMap<String, Vec<String>> {
    loop {
        println!("Please enter the name of the employee you would like to manage.");

        let mut employee = String::new();

        io::stdin().read_line(&mut employee).expect(
            "Failed to read line",

        let employee = employee.trim();

        let mut department = String::new();

        println!("Please enter the name of the department you would like to add the employee to.");

        io::stdin().read_line(&mut department).expect(
            "Failed to read line",

        let department = department.trim();



error: no method named `extend` found for type `std::collections::hash_map::Entry<'_, std::string::String, std::vec::Vec<std::string::String>>` in the current scope
  --> src/
27 |             .extend(vec![employee.to_string()])
   |              ^^^^^^


在对入口 API 进行了更多思考之后,我想出了以下解决方案:

let val = data.entry(department.to_string())


关于vector - 如何将 Vec<String> 扩展为 HashMap 值?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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