rust - 在生成的线程中读取不可变值

标签 rust


use std::sync::mpsc::{Sender, Receiver};
use std::sync::mpsc;
use std::thread;
use std::sync::Arc;

struct User {
    reference: String,
    email: String

struct UserIndex {
    reference: usize,
    email: usize

fn main() {

    let rows = vec![
        vec!["abcd", ""],
        vec!["efgh", ""],
        vec!["wfee", ""],
        vec!["rrgr", ""]

    let user_index = Arc::new(
        UserIndex {
            reference: 0,
            email: 1

    let chunk_len = (rows.len() / 2) as usize;
    let mut chunks = Vec::new();
    for chunk in rows.chunks(chunk_len) {

    let (tx, rx): (Sender<Vec<User>>, Receiver<Vec<User>>) = mpsc::channel();

    for chunk in chunks {
        let thread_tx = tx.clone();
        thread::spawn(move || {
            let user_index_cloned = user_index.clone();
            let result = chunk.iter().map( |row|
                User {
                    reference: row[user_index_cloned.reference].to_string(),
                    email: row[].to_string()

    let mut users = Vec::new();
    for _ in 0..chunk_len {



src/ 43:38 error: capture of moved value: `user_index` [E0382]
src/          let user_index_cloned = user_index.clone();
note: in expansion of closure expansion
src/ 51:4 note: expansion site
note: in expansion of for loop expansion
src/ 52:3 note: expansion site
src/ 51:4 note: `user_index` moved into closure environment here because it has type `[closure(())]`, which is non-copyable
src/      thread::spawn(move || {
src/          let user_index_cloned = user_index.clone();
src/          let result = chunk.iter().map( |row|
src/              User {
src/                  reference: row[user_index_cloned.reference].to_string(),
src/                  email: row[].to_string()
note: in expansion of closure expansion
src/ 51:4 note: expansion site
note: in expansion of for loop expansion
src/ 52:3 note: expansion site
src/ 51:4 help: perhaps you meant to use `clone()`?
error: aborting due to previous error

现在根据this discussion它应该有效,但它没有。我在这里缺少什么?


你快到了。只是 Arc 必须被克隆到生成线程的外部:

for chunk in chunks {
    let thread_tx = tx.clone();
    let user_index_cloned = user_index.clone();
    thread::spawn(move || {
        let result = chunk.iter().map( |row|
            User {
                reference: row[user_index_cloned.reference].to_string(),
                email: row[].to_string()

必须这样做,否则 user_index 确实会被移动到线程中,并且在循环中这样做违反了所有权规则。

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