enums - 如何在 Rust 中的通用类型枚举上实现 fmt::Display?

标签 enums formatting rust


use std::fmt;

enum List<A> {
    Cons(A, Box<List<A>>),

impl<T> fmt::Display for List<T> {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        match *self {
            List::Empty => write!(f, "()"),
            List::Cons(x, ref xs) => write!(f, "({} {})", x, xs),  


error[E0277]: the trait bound `T: std::fmt::Display` is not satisfied
  --> src/main.rs:13:59
13 |             List::Cons(x, ref xs) => write!(f, "({} {})", x, xs),  
   |                                                           ^ the trait `std::fmt::Display` is not implemented for `T`
   = help: consider adding a `where T: std::fmt::Display` bound
   = note: required by `std::fmt::Display::fmt`


fn cons<A>(x: A, xs: List<A>) -> List<A> {
    return List::Cons(x, Box::new(xs));

fn len<A>(xs: &List<A>) -> i32 {
    match *xs {
        List::Empty => 0,
        List::Cons(_, ref xs) => 1 + len(xs),

fn map<A, B>(f: &Fn(&A) -> B, xs: &List<A>) -> List<B> {
    match *xs {
        List::Empty => List::Empty,
        List::Cons(ref x, ref xs) => cons(f(x), map(f, xs)),

fn main() {
    let xs = cons(1, cons(2, cons(3, List::Empty)));
    println!("{}", xs);
    println!("{:?}", len(&xs));

    let f = |x: &i32| (*x) * (*x);
    let ys = map(&f, &xs);
    println!("{}", ys);
    println!("{}", List::Empty);


(1 (2 (3 ())))
(1 (4 (9 ())))

真的我想看到这个,但我完全不知道我将如何使用 fmt::Result

(1 2 3)
(1 4 9) 



您缺少一个特征界限。也就是说,你需要告诉 Rust T可以显示:

impl<T: fmt::Display> fmt::Display for List<T> {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        match *self {
            List::Empty => write!(f, "()"),
            List::Cons(ref x, ref xs) => write!(f, "({} {})", x, xs),  

注意 trait bound T: fmt::Display .这基本上意味着:如果 T工具 fmt::Display , 然后 List<T>工具 fmt::Display


我不确定您是否可以使用递归定义获得良好的格式。此外,Rust 不保证尾调用优化,因此始终存在堆栈溢出的可能性。


fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
    write!(f, "(")?;
    let mut temp = self;
    while let List::Cons(ref x, ref xs) = *temp {
        write!(f, "{}", x)?;

        // Print trailing whitespace if there are more elements
        if let List::Cons(_, _) = **xs {
            write!(f, " ")?;

        temp = xs;

    write!(f, ")")

注意 ?大多数write!宏调用。它基本上意味着:如果这个write!导致错误,立即返回错误。否则,继续执行函数。

关于enums - 如何在 Rust 中的通用类型枚举上实现 fmt::Display?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/43113790/


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