rust - 有没有一种惯用的方法来实现组件模式?

标签 rust


我目前正在尝试使用 traits 来实现,这让我陷入了一些错误,并让我开始思考这是否在 Rust 中很常见。

// usage example
fn main() {
    let obj = MainObject::new(Component1::new(), Component2::new(), Component3());
    // Where each component is a type(struct) with some well predefined methods.


pub struct Container
   input: InputHandlerComponent, // Probably a trait
   physics: PhysicsComponent,  // Probably a trait
   renderer: RendererCompoent // Probably a trait

impl Container {
  fn new(p: PhysicsComponent, i: InputComponent, r: RenderComponent) -> Container {
    Container {input: i, physics: p, renderer: r}

struct ConcretePhysicsComponent;
impl PhysicsComponent for ConcretePhysicsComponent
  // ...

struct ConcreteInputComponent;
impl InputComponent for ConcreteInputComponent
  // ...

struct ConcreteRendererComponent;
impl RendererComponent for ConcreteRendererComponent
  // ...

struct AnotherConcreteRendererComponent;
impl RendererComponent for AnotherConcreteRendererComponent
  // ...

// usage example
fn main() {
    let obj = Container::new(ConcreteInputComponent::new(), ConcretePhysicsComponent::new(), ConcreteRendererComponent::new());
    // Where each component is a type(struct) with some well predefined methods.

    // This is a slightly modified version of this object, with changed rendering behaviour
    let obj2 = Container::new(ConcreteInputComponent::new(), ConcretePhysicsComponent::new(), AnotherConcreteRendererComponent::new());    }



trait Health {
    fn life(&self) -> u8;
    fn hit_for(&mut self, lost_life: u8);

#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
struct WimpyHealth(u8);
impl Health for WimpyHealth {
    fn life(&self) -> u8 { self.0 }
    fn hit_for(&mut self, lost_life: u8) { self.0 -= lost_life * 2; }

#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
struct BuffHealth(u8);
impl Health for BuffHealth {
    fn life(&self) -> u8 { self.0 }
    fn hit_for(&mut self, lost_life: u8) { self.0 -= lost_life / 2; }

#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
struct Player<H> {
    health: H,

impl<H> Health for Player<H>
    where H: Health
    fn life(&self) -> u8 { }
    fn hit_for(&mut self, lost_life: u8) { }

fn main() {
    let mut player_one = Player { health: WimpyHealth(128) };
    let mut player_two = Player { health: BuffHealth(128) };


    println!("{:?}", player_one);
    println!("{:?}", player_two);

it is not possible to have an array of such Players without using Boxed values


如果允许你有不同的类型,那么你可以让一个玩家的生命值占用 1 个字节,而另一个玩家的生命值占用 2 个字节。那么所有的偏移量都是不正确的。

您可以实现 Health Box<Health> 的特征,然后是 Player对象可以按顺序存储,但它们每个都有一个指向 Health 的适当具体实现的指针。通过盒子。

impl<H: ?Sized> Health for Box<H>
    where H: Health
    fn life(&self) -> u8 { (**self).life() }
    fn hit_for(&mut self, lost_life: u8) { (**self).hit_for(lost_life) }

fn main() {
    let mut players = vec![
        Player { health: Box::new(WimpyHealth(128)) as Box<Health> },
        Player { health: Box::new(BuffHealth(128)) as Box<Health> }

    for player in players.iter_mut() {

    println!("{:?}", players[0].life());
    println!("{:?}", players[1].life());

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