rust - 为什么 Fn 派生自 FnMut(派生自 FnOnce)?

标签 rust traits

如果您查看 official Rust doc ,您会看到特征 Fn 派生自 FnMut,或者,要实现 Fn,您必须实现 FnMut(之后是 FnOnce,因为 FnMut 也派生自它)。

为什么会这样?我简直无法理解。是因为您可以将每个 Fn 调用为 FnOnceFnMut 吗?


对此最好的引用是优秀的 Finding Closure in Rust博客文章。我将引用重要部分:

There’s three traits, and so seven non-empty sets of traits that could possibly be implemented… but there’s actually only three interesting configurations:

  • Fn, FnMut and FnOnce,
  • FnMut and FnOnce,
  • only FnOnce.

Why? Well, the three closure traits are actually three nested sets: every closure that implements Fn can also implement FnMut (if &self works, &mut self also works; proof: &*self), and similarly every closure implementing FnMut can also implement FnOnce. This hierarchy is enforced at the type level

关于rust - 为什么 Fn 派生自 FnMut(派生自 FnOnce)?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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