rust - 为什么没有围栏的评论会触发 doctest?

标签 rust


我在 crate 中有以下注释代码:

/// Complex Expression
///     - The `Undefined` variant is used as a placeholder during code 
///       transformations. It must never occur in the final result.
pub enum Cexp {

在 crate 上运行 cargo test 时,它会触发 doctest 运行,但编译失败。 (在 playground 中确保运行 TEST 而不是 BUILD。)

   Doc-tests playground

running 1 test
test src/ - Cexp (line 3) ... FAILED


---- src/ - Cexp (line 3) stdout ----
error: unknown start of token: `
 --> src/
1 | - The `Undefined` variant is used as a placeholder during code 
  |       ^

实际的错误消息无关紧要。 Rust 编译器在注释文本上窒息,这并不奇怪。但为什么这个评论会触发 doctest 运行?根据documentation doctests 应该用 ``` 围起来,这里不是这种情况。


此行为实际上在 documentation 中进行了解释.在最底部它说(强调我的):

Rustdoc also accepts indented code blocks as an alternative to fenced code blocks: instead of surrounding your code with three backticks, you can indent each line by four or more spaces.


However, it's preferable to use fenced code blocks over indented code blocks. Not only are fenced code blocks considered more idiomatic for Rust code, but there is no way to use directives such as ignore or should_panic with indented code blocks.

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