reference - `&str` 可以包含指向 Rust 中程序内存的指针吗?

标签 reference rust literals

第 4.3 节关于 The Rust 编程语言 的切片 has this paragraph :

String Literals Are Slices

Recall that we talked about string literals being stored inside the binary. Now that we know about slices, we can properly understand string literals:

let s = "Hello, world!";

The type of s here is &str: it’s a slice pointing to that specific point of the binary. This is also why string literals are immutable; &str is an immutable reference.




这是真的 - &'static str 字符串文字嵌入在二进制文件本身中。这不是 Rust 独有的,例如C implementations often do the same thing .

引用 Rust Reference (强调我的):

A string literal is a string stored directly in the final binary, and so will be valid for the 'static duration.

Its type is 'static duration borrowed string slice, &'static str.

有专门设计用于查找此类字符串的程序,例如strings或者只是 grep --text .


关于reference - `&str` 可以包含指向 Rust 中程序内存的指针吗?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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