mysql - 电影数据库的 SQL 查询

标签 mysql sql

排名前 20 位的电影(条件:至少有 40 位用户评价/观看过这部电影)?这是我的查询,但没有给出正确的结果。 该数据库包含 3 个表:

  `select Title 
   from Movie m 
   (select MovieID, Rating 
   from Ratings 
   order by
   as r on 
   m.MovieID = r.MovieID
   limit 20;`

您能建议正确的查询吗? This image contains the description of tables. It has 3 tables: Movie, Ratings, Users


在 SQL 中

select Title from Movie m  
inner join (select top 20 MovieID,sum(Rating) Rate from Ratings group by movieid having count(UserID)>39 order by sum(Rating) DESC) tbl
on m.MovieID=tbl.MovieID
order by tbl.Rate desc


 select Title from Movie m  
    inner join (select  MovieID,sum(Rating) Rate from Ratings group by movieid having count(UserID)>39 order by sum(Rating) DESC limit 20) tbl
    on m.MovieID=tbl.MovieID
    order by tbl.Rate desc

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