
标签 php html mysql




随机想法 - 我认为部分问题可能是 phpmyadmin 使用了一种非常糟糕的日期格式(我认为是年/月/日),这就是引发错误的原因。当我尝试用谷歌搜索答案时,它希望我通过数据库结构转换数据,但该选项不是通过 给出的(它在我的本地主机上)。


网址: - 点击露营地 头部代码:


<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src=""></script>

    if ($(this).hasClass('active')) $(this).find('span').html('&#x25B2;')
      else $(this).find('span').html('&#x25BC;')
$('#reserve-trigger').on('focusout', function () {
$('#login-trigger').on('focusout', function () {
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src=""></script>
<script src="">
<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">

  $(document).ready(function() {  $("#startdate").datepicker();  });
  $(document).ready(function() {  $("#enddate").datepicker();  });
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./css/style.css">
  <div class="container">
      <div id="branding">
        <h1><span class="highlight">Whispering</span> Winds Park</h1>
            <li class="current"><a href="index.php">Home</a></li>
            <li><a href="mission.php">Our Mission</a></li>
            <li><a href="donate.php">Donate</a></li>
            <li><a id="reserve-trigger" href="#">Camping</a>
                <div id="reserve-content" tabindex="-1">
                <form action="includes/" method="POST">
                  <fieldset id="inputs2">
                    <input id="startdate" placeholder="Start Date" />
                    <input id="enddate" placeholder="End Date"/>
                    <li id="chk"><label for="fire">Fire Pit: </label><input type="checkbox" value="Fire"></li>
                    <li id="chk"><label for="electric">Electricity: </label><input type="checkbox" value="Electric"></li>
                    <li id="chk"><label for="sewer">Sewage: </label><input type="checkbox" value="Sewer"></li>
                    <button type="submit" class="button3" name="submit1">Find a Reservation</button>

<!-- /*login button*/ -->
  if (isset($_SESSION["u_uid"])) {
    echo '
    <li><form action="includes/" method="POST">
    <button type="submit" class="button_1" name="Submit">Logout</button>
  } else {
    ' <li id="login">
      <a id="login-trigger" href="#">
        <button class="button_1">Log in <span>▼</span></button>
      <div id="login-content" tabindex="-1">
      <form action="includes/" method="POST">
          <fieldset id="inputs">
            <input type="text" name="uid" placeholder="Username" required>
            <input type="password" name="pwd" placeholder="Password" required>
            <button type="submit" class="button3" name="Submit">Log In</button>
    <li id="signup">
      <a href="signup.php"><button class="button_1">Sign up</button></a>
echo '
<li id="signup">
  <a href="admin.php"><button class="button_1">Admin</button></a>



if (isset($_POST['submit1'])) {


  $fire = 0;
  $electric = 0;
  $sewer = 0;

      $_SESSION['startdate'] = $_POST['startdate'];
      $_SESSION['enddate'] = $_POST['enddate'];

  if(!empty($_POST['fire'])) {
    $fire     = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, $_POST['fire']);

  if(!empty($_POST['electric'])) {
    $electric     = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, $_POST['electric']);

  if(!empty($_POST['sewer'])) {
    $sewer     = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, $_POST['sewer']);

if (empty($startdate) || empty($enddate)) {
  header("Location: ../index.php?index=empty_dates");

$sql = "SELECT * FROM campsite WHERE water='$sewer' OR fire='$fire' OR electric = '$electric'
        AND site_id NOT IN (SELECT site_id FROM reservation
                                    where startdate = '$startdate' and '$startdate' <= '$enddate')";

$result = mysqli_query($conn, $sql);

$resultCheck = mysqli_num_rows($result);

if ($resultCheck < 1) {
header("Location: ../index.php?index=no_available_camps");
} else {

    while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {

if($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {

$siteID = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, $_POST['site_id']);
$uid = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, $_POST['uid']);
$start = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, $_POST['startdate']);
$end = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, $_POST['enddate']);
$price = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, $_POST['s_price']);
// Error Handlers
// check for empty fields

if (empty($start) || empty($end)) {
 header("Locaction: ../reserve.php?=error");
} else {
 // determine if dates are available
$sql="SELECT * from campsites where startdate<='$start' AND where startdate>'$end'";
$result = mysqli_query($conn, $sql);
$resultcheck = mysqli_num_rows($result);

if ($resultcheck > 0) {
 header("Location: ../reserve.php?=error2");
 } else {
   $sql = "INSERT INTO campsite (site_id, uid, startdate, enddate)
   VALUES ('$siteID', '$uid', '$start', '$end');";


HTML 有一些错误,用于搜索露营地的表单实际上并未提交任何数据,很可能是由于 HTML 中的一些错误。 ul 元素只能将 li 元素作为子元素 - 但那些 li 元素可以包含其他内容(通常不是最好的方式,IMO在这种情况下)和任何类型的表单输入元素都应该有一个名称属性,通常还有一个值。在预订表格的情况下,fireelectricsewer 应命名为值 1(请参阅上一个问题)。日期选择器需要有名称,因此可以不使用 ID,也可以将它们命名为 startdateenddate,因为 php 脚本希望它们出现在 POST 数组中。

如果表单确实成功提交了数据并且sql查询运行正常,那么结果会出现在哪里?我可以看到表单的操作是 includes/,这是代码的第二部分 (PHP),但不输出任何内容。

在浏览器中编辑 HTML 以向各种表单元素添加属性并在提交表单之前更改它们的值会在实时页面上产生以下 POST 参数...


而之前只有 submit1 出现。但是仍然没有返回结果。

因为您已经在页面上使用了 jQuery 来执行各种任务,也许要做的事情是使用 ajax 将数据发布到后端 PHP 脚本,并使用回调将 HTML 内容添加到当前页面?当然,也许需要考虑一些事情。


<!DOCTYPE html>
        <script src="//"></script>


                if ($(this).hasClass('active')) $(this).find('span').html('&#x25B2;')
                  else $(this).find('span').html('&#x25BC;')


            $('#reserve-trigger').on('focusout', function () {

            $('#login-trigger').on('focusout', function () {
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="//">
        <script src="//"></script>
        <script src="//">
            $(document).ready(function() {  $("#startdate").datepicker();  });
            $(document).ready(function() {  $("#enddate").datepicker();  });
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="./css/style.css">
            <div class='container'>
                <div id='branding'>
                    <h1><span class='highlight'>Whispering</span> Winds Park</h1>
                        <li class='current'><a href='index.php'>Home</a></li>
                        <li><a href='mission.php'>Our Mission</a></li>
                        <li><a href='donate.php'>Donate</a></li>
                        <li><a id='reserve-trigger' href='#'>Camping</a>
                            <div id='reserve-content' tabindex='-1'>

                                <form action='includes/' method='POST'>

                                            child elements of a `ul` should be `li` only
                                            so you required a few more `<li></li>` around
                                            certain items here

                                            Form input elements require a name attribute and a type for the datepickers

                                            <li><input type='text' id='startdate' name='startdate' placeholder='Start Date' /></li>
                                            <li><input type='text' id='enddate' name='enddate' placeholder='End Date'/></li>

                                                The checkboxes require a name attribute otherwise they will not appear
                                                in the POST array data. Set the value to `1` as it is a bit stored in 
                                                the db anyway

                                            <li><label for='fire'>Fire Pit: </label><input type='checkbox' name='Fire' value=1></li>
                                            <li><label for='electric'>Electricity: </label><input type='checkbox' name='Electric' value=1></li>
                                            <li><label for='sewer'>Sewage: </label><input type='checkbox' name='Sewer' value=1></li>
                                            <li><button type='submit' class='button3' name='submit1'>Find a Reservation</button></li>


                        <!-- /*login button*/ -->
                            if( isset( $_SESSION["u_uid"] ) ) {
                                echo '
                                    <form action="includes/" method="POST">
                                        <button type="submit" class="button_1" name="Submit">Logout</button>

                            } else {

                                '<li id="login">
                                    <a id="login-trigger" href="#">
                                        <button class="button_1">Log in <span>▼</span></button>
                                    <div id="login-content" tabindex="-1">
                                        <form action="includes/" method="POST">
                                            <fieldset id="inputs">
                                                <input type="text" name="uid" placeholder="Username" required>
                                                <input type="password" name="pwd" placeholder="Password" required>
                                                <button type="submit" class="button3" name="Submit">Log In</button>
                                <li id="signup">
                                    <a href="signup.php"><button class="button_1">Sign up</button></a>
                            if( isset( $_SESSION["u_admin"] ) ) {
                                echo '
                                <li id="signup">
                                  <a href="admin.php"><button class="button_1">Admin</button></a>


您是否有名为campsitecampsites 的表? SQL 语句都包含嵌入式变量,尽管使用了 mysqli_real_escape_string,但确实会使您的代码容易受到 SQL 注入(inject)的攻击,因此您应该在使用 user 时使用 prepared statements提供的输入。只需要一个字段就可以被利用来危及整个系统!我不能完全理解那里发生的事情的一些逻辑(可能还没有足够的咖啡因)所以下面的内容可能很离谱


    /* Prevent direct access to this script in the browser */
    if ( realpath(__FILE__) == realpath( $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'] ) ) {

        /* could send a 403 but Not Found is probably better */
        header( 'HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found', TRUE, 404 );
        die( header( 'location: /index.php' ) );

    if( $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']=='POST' && isset( $_POST['submit1'], $_POST['startdate'], $_POST['enddate'], $_POST['fire'], $_POST['electric'], $_POST['sewer'] ) ) {

        if ( empty( $_POST['startdate'] ) || empty( $_POST['enddate'] ) ) {
            exit( header( 'Location: ../index.php?index=empty_dates' ) );

        /* results from search query will be stored in this array for later use */


            Do startdate and enddate need to be session variables???
        $startdate = filter_input( INPUT_POST,'startdate',FILTER_SANITIZE_SPECIAL_CHARS );
        $enddate = filter_input( INPUT_POST,'enddate',FILTER_SANITIZE_SPECIAL_CHARS );
        $fire = filter_var( filter_input( INPUT_POST,'fire', FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT ), FILTER_VALIDATE_INT );
        $electric = filter_var( filter_input( INPUT_POST,'electric', FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT ), FILTER_VALIDATE_INT );
        $sewer = filter_var( filter_input( INPUT_POST,'sewer', FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT ), FILTER_VALIDATE_INT );

            Dates from the DatePicker are in mm/dd/yyyy
            but typically we would want to use yyyy/mm/dd
            in the database.
        $startdate=DateTime::createFromFormat( 'm/d/Y', $startdate )->format('Y-m-d');
        $enddate=DateTime::createFromFormat( 'm/d/Y', $enddate )->format('Y-m-d');

        if( $fire > 1 or $fire < 0 or is_string( $fire ) ) $fire=0;
        if( $electric > 1 or $electric < 0 or is_string( $electric ) ) $electric=0;
        if( $sewer > 1 or $sewer < 0 or is_string( $sewer ) ) $sewer=0;

        $sql='select `site_id`,`uid`,`startdate`,`enddate`,`s_price` from `campsite` 
                where `water`=? and `fire`=? and `electric`=? and `site_id` not in ( 
                    select `site_id` 
                    from `reservation` 
                    where `startdate` >= ? and `startdate` <= ?

        $stmt=$conn->prepare( $sql );
        if( $stmt ){

            $stmt->bind_param('iiiss', $sewer, $fire, $electric, $startdate, $enddate );
            $result = $stmt->execute();
            $rows = $result->num_rows;

            if( $result && $rows > 0 ){

                $stmt->bind_result( $id, $uid, $start, $end, $price );

                while( $stmt->fetch() ){
                        'site_id'   =>  $id,
                        'uid'       =>  $uid,
                        'startdate' =>  $start,
                        'enddate'   =>  $end,
                        's_price'   =>  $price

                    Now we should have an array with the recordset data from the search
                    Depending upon form submission method ( standard or ajax ) you need to
                    do something with that data. Typically you would let the user know the
                    results of the search ( otherwise what is the point of letting them search? )

                    So, you could format the results here as HTML or send back json etc
                foreach( $output as $index => $site ){
                    echo "

            } else {
                exit( header('Location: /index.php?error=no_available_camps') );
        } else {
            echo "Failed to prepare sql query";

那里还有其他 sql 语句,但正如我所说,我不能完全遵循逻辑,所以上面的内容很可能是不完整/错误的,但至少应该对准备好的语句有一点帮助。


您在 campground.php 页面上有一个未处理的错误显示

Warning: mysqli_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in /storage/ssd2/948/4122948/public_html/campground.php on line 110 YesYes

includes/reserve.php/reserve.php 都产生了 404-Not Found 错误

也许在 images 目录中使用一个 .htaccess 文件来防止热链接或目录浏览。

那里有一些令人惊叹的图像,但老实说,其中一些绝对是巨大的,尽管大多数人使用快速宽带下载 3.7Mb 的 jpg 作为 HTML 流的一部分会稍微减慢速度 - 所以也许一些图像优化会也是个好主意。也就是说 - 我很想亲自去这个地方!

关于php不传递变量,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


php - Xpath选择多个标签

html - flex 元素溢出容器

javascript - onScroll 通过在屏幕上可见将类添加到 div

html - 选择除最后一个列表元素之外的所有元素

mysql - 在mysql中使用主键作为大表的外键

mysql - 查询错误 'Count' 中的未知列 'field list'

mysql - 放置学生1的所有成绩

php - 根据其他内容列出表格内容

php - 将每个 mySQL 结果显示为另一个 php 页面的链接

php - 如何在zend服务器中使用php连接MySQL数据库