php - 多个 IN 运算符 mysql 组合

标签 php mysql mysqli

我想问一下,我可以将多个 IN 运算符与 AND 查询结合使用吗?我的代码需要你的帮助。这是我试过但没有用的代码。

if ($areas != '' || $city_check != '' || $course != '' || $subject_check != '') {
        $countcity = count($city_check);
        $countsubject = count($subject_check);

        $area_ids = implode(',',$city_check);
        $subject_ids = implode(',',$subject_check);

        $sql .= "AND TAC.tac_st_id = '".$areas."' AND TAC.tac_city_id IN($area_ids) 
                AND TRS.trs_tc_id = '".$course."' AND TRS.trs_ts_id IN($subject_ids)
                GROUP BY U.u_username
                HAVING COUNT(distinct TAC.tac_city_id) = '".$countcity."' COUNT(distinct TRS.trs_ts_id) = '".$countsubject."'


我已经完成了下面的代码,可以像我想要的那样工作,但它只能运行 if 中的每个 block 。所以如果我想搜索 city_check,subject_check 将不起作用,反之亦然。

//search for cities
// if ($areas != '' || $city_check != '') {

    //     $countcity = count($city_check);

    //     $sql .= "AND TAC.tac_st_id = '".$areas."' AND TAC.tac_city_id IN(".implode(',',$city_check).")
    //             GROUP BY U.u_username
    //             HAVING COUNT(distinct TAC.tac_city_id) = '".$countcity."'
    //             ";
    // }

//search for subject
    // if ($course != '' || $subject_check != '') {

    //     $countsubject = count($subject_check);
    //     // echo json_encode(["message"=>$countcity]);

    //     $sql .= "AND TRS.trs_tc_id = '".$course."' AND TRS.trs_ts_id IN(".implode(',',$subject_check).")
    //             GROUP BY U.u_username
    //             HAVING COUNT(distinct TRS.trs_ts_id) = '".$countsubject."'
    //             ";

    //         }


编辑:我尝试在 phpmyadmin 中输出我的 SQL

SELECT U.u_username,U.u_email,U.u_status,ST.st_name,CT.city_name,TC.tc_title,TS.ts_title
FROM tk_user as U
INNER JOIN tk_user_details    AS UD  ON UD.ud_u_id   = U.u_id

LEFT JOIN tk_tutor_subject AS TRS ON TRS.trs_u_id = U.u_id 
LEFT JOIN tk_tution_course   AS TC  ON TC.tc_id     = TRS.trs_tc_id  
LEFT JOIN tk_tution_subject   AS TS  ON TS.ts_id     = TRS.trs_ts_id
LEFT JOIN tk_tutor_area_cover AS TAC ON TAC.tac_u_id = U.u_id 
LEFT JOIN tk_cities CT ON CT.city_id   = UD.ud_city AND TAC.tac_city_id = CT.city_id  
LEFT JOIN tk_states AS ST ON TAC.tac_st_id = ST.st_id
LEFT JOIN tk_countries AS C ON ST.st_c_id = C.c_id AND CT.city_c_id = C.c_id

WHERE U.u_status <> 'D'
AND TAC.tac_st_id = 1046 AND TAC.tac_city_id IN(16,17)
AND TRS.trs_tc_id = 5 AND TRS.trs_ts_id IN(8,9)

GROUP BY U.u_username
HAVING COUNT(distinct TAC.tac_city_id) = 2 AND COUNT(distinct TRS.trs_ts_id) = 2

This the query result should look like

This is my search function checkbox that those query for

This is my echo $sql look like




WHERE U.u_status <> 'D' 
        (TAC.tac_st_id = 1046 AND TAC.tac_city_id IN(16,17) )
        (TRS.trs_tc_id = 5 AND TRS.trs_ts_id IN(8,9) )

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