php - 从数据库 laravel 中显示喜欢的产品

标签 php mysql laravel laravel-5 eloquent

我想显示数据库中特定用户的所有喜欢的产品,但出现错误 Integrity constraint violation: 1052 Column 'deleted_at' in where clause is ambiguous 。我怎么能显示特定用户的所有喜欢的产品?


class Like extends Model
use SoftDeletes;

protected $table = 'likeables';

protected $fillable = [

 * Get all of the products that are assigned this like.
public function products()
    return $this->morphedByMany('App\Product', 'likeable');



   public function likes()
    return $this->morphToMany('App\User', 'likeable')->whereDeletedAt(null);

public function getIsLikedAttribute()
    $like = $this->likes()->whereUserId(Auth::id())->first();
    return (!is_null($like)) ? true : false;


public function likedProducts()
return $this->morphedByMany('App\Product', 'likeable')->whereDeletedAt(null);

Blade 文件

@foreach (Auth::user()->likedProducts as $product)

<h2>{{ $product->price }}</h2>



用户表和产品表中有两个 deleted_at 列。这就是错误的原因。像这样更改您的 likedProducts 函数

  public function likedProducts()
       return $this->morphedByMany('App\Product', 'likeable')->whereNull('products.deleted_at');

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