mysql - MySQL 中表优化的频率应由哪些因素决定?

标签 mysql

我见过许多不同的 MySQL 表优化计划:从删除后立即执行,到每天执行一次,再到从不执行。我经常设置一个 cron 作业每晚运行以优化所有表。



还有来自MySQL themselves的这句话很好。

In most setups, you need not run OPTIMIZE TABLE at all. Even if you do a lot of updates to variable-length rows, it is not likely that you need to do this more than once a week or month and only on certain tables.

基于this article关于表优化。

This has the effect of defragmenting the table and reducing the size of the table on disk down to 105MB. It also has a very positive affect on query performance, reducing the select query response time from 0.63 to 0.39 seconds. N.B. the mysql query cache was turned off to demonstrate.

这是 "MySQL administrators guide" 的另一句话

OPTIMIZE TABLE does a table repair and a key analysis, and also sorts the index tree so that key lookups are faster.


Premature optimization is the root of all evil


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