mysql - 该程序在 MySQL 5 中有效,但在 MySQL6 中失败,为什么?

标签 mysql procedure mysql6


delimiter |
create procedure  pro_regs(in username varchar(50), 
                           in pwd varchar(50), 
                           in email varchar(50), 
                           in address varchar(50)) 

     insert into regists 
       ( `user_name` , `user_psd` , `user_email` , `user_address`)
       (username, pwd, email, address);





Stored routines require the proc table in the mysql database. This table is created during the MySQL 6.0 installation procedure. If you are upgrading to MySQL 6.0 from an earlier version, be sure to update your grant tables to make sure that the proc table exists.

我必须问您是否知道不再开发 MySQL 6 的事实?

The MySQL 6.0 Reference Manual has been retired.

MySQL 6.0 was not developed beyond Alpha status and new releases have not been made for some time, so the manual has been withdrawn as well.

New development is currently focused on MySQL 5.4. For more information, see MySQL 5.4 Reference Manual.

引用文献 Manual | Notice

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