ios - swift : Error: 'required' initializer 'init(coder:)' must be provided by subclass of 'UIView'

标签 ios iphone swift

我在 swift 2 中构建我的应用程序时遇到问题。Xcode 说:

'required' initializer 'init(coder:)' must be provided by subclass of 'UIView'


class creerQuestionnaire: UIView {
  @IBOutlet weak var nomQuestionnaire: UITextField!
  @IBOutlet weak var question: UITextField!
  @IBOutlet weak var reponse: UITextField!
  var QR: Questionnaire

  @IBAction func creerQuestion(sender: AnyObject) {
    QR.ajouterQuestion(question.text!, nouvReponse: reponse.text!)


import Foundation

class Questionnaire {
  var QR = [String(), String()]

  func getQuestion(nbQuestion: Int) ->String {
    return QR[nbQuestion]

  func getReponse(nbReponse: Int) ->String {
    return QR[nbReponse]

  func ajouterQuestion(nouvQuestion: String, nouvReponse: String) {
    QR += [nouvQuestion, nouvReponse]



对于 required 的注意事项:在类初始值设定项的定义之前写入 required 修饰符,以指示该类的每个子类都必须实现该初始值设定项。

override 注意事项:在重写父类(super class)的指定初始化器时,您总是要写 override 修饰符,即使您的子类的初始化器实现是便利初始化器。

以上两个注释均来自:Swift Programming Language/Initialization

因此,您的 UIView 子类应该类似于下面的示例:

class MyView: UIView {
    override init(frame: CGRect) {
        super.init(frame: frame)

    required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
        super.init(coder: aDecoder)

关于ios - swift : Error: 'required' initializer 'init(coder:)' must be provided by subclass of 'UIView' ,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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